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I got in contact to gog support and got the following answer:

Hello there.

Thank you very much for contacting us and at the same time, apologies for such a late reply. Our service is currently receiving a larger than usual amount of user inquiries.

The reason behind the larger than usual amount of space the game needs when being updated, is due to the our systems needing some time to generate the differentiation patches. This happens when a game build is published immediately, without us having the time to prepare the patch for distribution (only the devs we do not have the option to dictate when the patches are released). Before the patch diff patch itself is made available, the client will download the game in it's most recent version which might take more space than the update itself.

A solution to this issue is either to update the game via the standalone offline installation patches, or wait for the patch to generate itself, and then update your copy of the game.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and if you have any other questions that you would like to ask, then feel free to reply to this e-mail and let me know.

Best regards,
GOG Customer Support

So in my understanding by using galaxy version, there ´ll be a smaller patch soon.
And thus, today the patch#6 is ready to be downloaded separately. It takes up 25,1 GB when the 7+1 downloaded files are added together.
Post edited February 20, 2024 by P911GT3RS
For people who are downloading the OFFLINE installer, the FREE SPACE requirement to install the Patch5-hotfix6 to Patch6 update is 388629 MB (388GB).

So be aware of this if you have capped/limited bandwidth. If you have the FREE SPACE, great!!

Other wise the only option(s) is to re-download the full game again OR use GOG Galaxy?!? Maybe?!?

Edit: for people with slow internet, Hotfix #18 is out on Steam. So it would be Patch6-Hotfix1 on GoG. IF YOU ARE DOWNLOADING THE FULL GAME. You might want to wait. You don't want to download half of Patch6 only to have it replaced with Patch6-hotfix1 and have to re-start your download.
Post edited February 20, 2024 by crispyflakes
Patch not working : stop after a bunch of "unable to modify fille XXX" error messages; No antivirus active, run with admin rights, PEP Ok, disk space ok...
carox: Patch not working : stop after a bunch of "unable to modify fille XXX" error messages; No antivirus active, run with admin rights, PEP Ok, disk space ok...
Did you make any changes to the properties of the game files?
Do you have any mods that make changes to the game files?
Did you rename any files?
carox: Patch not working : stop after a bunch of "unable to modify fille XXX" error messages; No antivirus active, run with admin rights, PEP Ok, disk space ok...
crispyflakes: Did you make any changes to the properties of the game files?
Do you have any mods that make changes to the game files?
Did you rename any files?
Nope.... No nothing, nada.... Running "right out of the box"
carox: Nope.... No nothing, nada.... Running "right out of the box"
Check the BG3/Bin/ folder for a log file created around the time and date you ran the patch.
See if there is anything in the log file ?
Check where you have the patch file downloaded if there is a log file there?

edit: for the 8 files, do they match file size?
exe size 977 kb
bin1 size 4,193,335 kb
bin2-6 size 4,194,304 kb
bin 7 size 1,167,300 kb
Post edited February 20, 2024 by crispyflakes
crispyflakes: Check the BG3/Bin/ folder for a log file created around the time and date you ran the patch.
See if there is anything in the log file ?
Check where you have the patch file downloaded if there is a log file there?

edit: for the 8 files, do they match file size?
exe size 977 kb
bin1 size 4,193,335 kb
bin2-6 size 4,194,304 kb
bin 7 size 1,167,300 kb
Thank you for your kind reply, but I have uninstalled BG3 and downloaded the full .4763283 version. I'd already had this problem with the penultimate patch and all settings were compliant. It's not a configuration problem (it's well above the optimal configuration) and the file CRCs were OK. In my opinion, it's more a question of internal rights management (Win11). Eventually, I'll reinstall BG3 .4494476 on another machine with the same configuration and a hardware debugger, just out of curiosity.
carox: In my opinion, it's more a question of internal rights management (Win11).
Ah, that's probably it. I haven't seen that error type before, even searching other forums, didn't see it either.
:( hmm still no way to get the small update via galaxy, very anoying because I can only play the game then without update or do the full update which I want to avoid cause my download data is limited.
Latest hotfix archive is in place to be downloaded now.
Post edited February 23, 2024 by P911GT3RS
vanHerwen: :( hmm still no way to get the small update via galaxy, very anoying because I can only play the game then without update or do the full update which I want to avoid cause my download data is limited.
Edit: You didn't state what version of the game you have installed SO I am assuming you have version installed.

GoG Galaxy is not the greatest, it has issues updating correctly. I've had it happen to myself.

Most likely the update is there but the listed name hasn't refreshed or updated but if you click on the first patch listed, it should download the latest patch update

HOWEVER since you have limited data if you don't want to risk it, YOUR better option is just to log into the GOG website at and go to your GAMES and select BG3 and manually download the 68.8 MB patch.

edit2: It is also possible the servers hosting the files in your region have not updated yet, So logging onto GOG to check would be better

edit3: just saw that Hotfix #19 is available on Steam. Are you referring to that update? If so, It might be available later today, its 125 MB in size. It probably needs time to update the servers.
Post edited February 23, 2024 by crispyflakes
This is at least the second 120GB+ patch I have had twith this game? WTF. It takes hours to download and install on days where friends and I try and carve out time to play. Why are these patches effectively full game installs?
vanHerwen: :( hmm still no way to get the small update via galaxy, very anoying because I can only play the game then without update or do the full update which I want to avoid cause my download data is limited.
crispyflakes: Edit: You didn't state what version of the game you have installed SO I am assuming you have version installed.

GoG Galaxy is not the greatest, it has issues updating correctly. I've had it happen to myself.

Most likely the update is there but the listed name hasn't refreshed or updated but if you click on the first patch listed, it should download the latest patch update

HOWEVER since you have limited data if you don't want to risk it, YOUR better option is just to log into the GOG website at and go to your GAMES and select BG3 and manually download the 68.8 MB patch.

edit2: It is also possible the servers hosting the files in your region have not updated yet, So logging onto GOG to check would be better

edit3: just saw that Hotfix #19 is available on Steam. Are you referring to that update? If so, It might be available later today, its 125 MB in size. It probably needs time to update the servers.
Version is 4.11.4494476
Evertime stop the update and start from the start it just shows me the 128GB
Post edited March 07, 2024 by vanHerwen
vanHerwen: Version is 4.11.4494476
Evertime stop the update and start from the start it just shows me the 128GB
Ah! That sounds about right for Galaxy.

Here are your options.
1. Just play the game & enjoy. Unless your game is broken or something. Unless you know for sure the patch will fix some game ending stopping bug. Otherwise, no need to update, just enjoy the game.

2. EDIT: nevermind, looks like hotfix #21 released today, meaning by tomorrow, patch 4.11.4994476 to Patch6 will be gone. The patch update for 4.11.4494476 to Patch6 is STILL downloadable. The OFFLINE version. It is 25.1 GB in size and requires 338 GB of Freespace to just to install the patch. After that there are 3 more smaller patches, 68MB, 125MB and 65MB, to patch the game to the latest version.

3. You re-download the full game at 128 GB.

4. Since you have limited data, I would suggest option 1. Enjoy the game. Wait until the patching has stopped. Re-download the full "final" version of the game.

5. If you are playing with friends and require the most up to date versions, well then, you have a decision to make.
Post edited March 07, 2024 by crispyflakes