It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Niedzwiad: Wow!

Got it. So basically, GOG gives us all a choice how we prefer to download and play games here.
Seems fair.
Thx :D
vulchor: Bingo. There are a few niggles with using GOG as your main storefront, like patches taking longer to release, and on very rare occasions devs just completely abandoning the platform and never releasing updates at all (this has only happenened a handful of times, and usually they were very small indie devs and their game didn't sell well), and sometimes games will release with achievements on Steam but not on GOG Galaxy (happens very infrequently these days, but used to happen a lot).

However I prefer the people that run and own GOG to Valve or Epic, I like their pirate history, thier DRM-Free stance, better pro-consumer record (although not spotless), a support team that actually answers your emails and is fun to interact with on the forums, a good community of old school gamers, and just more choice. I hope you stick around.
Yeah, I feel like I will stay for longer ;)
True is, that even If Im "owner" of many games on Epic ; Uplay ; EA ; Battlenet etc. I prefer to use GOG and Steam.
Having other platforms installed listed above isn't funny at all, because I do not use them xD
I just keep them for... nothing? Sales maybe. Or if I would truly want to play some Assasin's stuff.

Steam is my main platform.
GoG secondary.

Maybe in future things will change ;p
Has the hotfix #2 been released as an offline installer, yet?
JClosed: There we go again...

People (like me) buy games on GOG specifically because they get off-line installers!!!!
That's the whole reason to buy games on GOG to begin with.
Off-line installers give you the possibility to install on any device at any location and without any internet connection or client running in the background. It is also safe, because you have your files locally. Some of us prefer it that way.

Do not forget that people here made that choice, because they don't like mandatory clients like the Steam client. If you are forced to use a mandatory client, there is no longer a reason to buy games on GOG.

Also - People that are here from the start know there was not even a Galaxy to begin with. Galaxy was developed far more later, and was presented to us buyers as a "absolutely optional" alternative, and it was sworn to us that the off-line installers never ever would suffer because of the "optional" Galaxy...

And here we are. Now other users give us a bad time because we do not want to use that "Steam wannabe" "completely optional" Galaxy client that "would never get in the way of off-line installers". We feel lied to, and mistreated.

I really fear the moment that GOG turns into a Steam clone and no longer provides off-line installers. That's the moment I leave GOG and go back to Steam, because there is no reason at all to stay on GOG. Call me paranoia, but I am already busy backing up all the off-line installers for my games. I just feel insecure with GOG to be honest.
Would this be a bad time to mention that both patch 1 and 2 were successfully delivered by GOG Galaxy? I'm sorry, just trying to have some fun. I understand your point, and I too felt hurt that GOG promised that offline patches and installers wouldn't suffer because of Galaxy, and we both know that was a lie. And even though years ago I thought I'd never move over to using a client, I have since gone to the dark side because I like achievements. It will be bumpy, but they'll get the offline patches sorted for this game too like they always do.


daerragh: Has the hotfix #2 been released as an offline installer, yet?
No, not yet.
Post edited August 09, 2023 by vulchor
Niedzwiad: Thank You very much for reply :)
All's clear.

Do people really prefer to download offline installer rather than through galaxy? Why?
I would treat offline installer like a backup for future rather than playing it normally :p
JClosed: There we go again...

People (like me) buy games on GOG specifically because they get off-line installers!!!!
That's the whole reason to buy games on GOG to begin with.
Off-line installers give you the possibility to install on any device at any location and without any internet connection or client running in the background. It is also safe, because you have your files locally. Some of us prefer it that way.

Do not forget that people here made that choice, because they don't like mandatory clients like the Steam client. If you are forced to use a mandatory client, there is no longer a reason to buy games on GOG.

Also - People that are here from the start know there was not even a Galaxy to begin with. Galaxy was developed far more later, and was presented to us buyers as a "absolutely optional" alternative, and it was sworn to us that the off-line installers never ever would suffer because of the "optional" Galaxy...

And here we are. Now other users give us a bad time because we do not want to use that "Steam wannabe" "completely optional" Galaxy client that "would never get in the way of off-line installers". We feel lied to, and mistreated.

I really fear the moment that GOG turns into a Steam clone and no longer provides off-line installers. That's the moment I leave GOG and go back to Steam, because there is no reason at all to stay on GOG. Call me paranoia, but I am already busy backing up all the off-line installers for my games. I just feel insecure with GOG to be honest.
I completely agree with you buddy. The whole point of owning games on GOG in the first place was that I didn't need another launcher and would keep the games as offline installers to use whenever I please, without internet connection.
JClosed: There we go again...

People (like me) buy games on GOG specifically because they get off-line installers!!!!
That's the whole reason to buy games on GOG to begin with.
Off-line installers give you the possibility to install on any device at any location and without any internet connection or client running in the background. It is also safe, because you have your files locally. Some of us prefer it that way.

Do not forget that people here made that choice, because they don't like mandatory clients like the Steam client. If you are forced to use a mandatory client, there is no longer a reason to buy games on GOG.

Also - People that are here from the start know there was not even a Galaxy to begin with. Galaxy was developed far more later, and was presented to us buyers as a "absolutely optional" alternative, and it was sworn to us that the off-line installers never ever would suffer because of the "optional" Galaxy...

And here we are. Now other users give us a bad time because we do not want to use that "Steam wannabe" "completely optional" Galaxy client that "would never get in the way of off-line installers". We feel lied to, and mistreated.

I really fear the moment that GOG turns into a Steam clone and no longer provides off-line installers. That's the moment I leave GOG and go back to Steam, because there is no reason at all to stay on GOG. Call me paranoia, but I am already busy backing up all the off-line installers for my games. I just feel insecure with GOG to be honest.
Apekiller: I completely agree with you buddy. The whole point of owning games on GOG in the first place was that I didn't need another launcher and would keep the games as offline installers to use whenever I please, without internet connection.
I will backup myself with offline installers of favorite games on GOG :)
Maybe on external HDD.

But Im afraid of that, the games won't be newest possible version :/
JClosed: There we go again...

People (like me) buy games on GOG specifically because they get off-line installers!!!!
That's the whole reason to buy games on GOG to begin with.
Off-line installers give you the possibility to install on any device at any location and without any internet connection or client running in the background. It is also safe, because you have your files locally. Some of us prefer it that way.

Do not forget that people here made that choice, because they don't like mandatory clients like the Steam client. If you are forced to use a mandatory client, there is no longer a reason to buy games on GOG.

Also - People that are here from the start know there was not even a Galaxy to begin with. Galaxy was developed far more later, and was presented to us buyers as a "absolutely optional" alternative, and it was sworn to us that the off-line installers never ever would suffer because of the "optional" Galaxy...

And here we are. Now other users give us a bad time because we do not want to use that "Steam wannabe" "completely optional" Galaxy client that "would never get in the way of off-line installers". We feel lied to, and mistreated.

I really fear the moment that GOG turns into a Steam clone and no longer provides off-line installers. That's the moment I leave GOG and go back to Steam, because there is no reason at all to stay on GOG. Call me paranoia, but I am already busy backing up all the off-line installers for my games. I just feel insecure with GOG to be honest.
vulchor: Would this be a bad time to mention that both patch 1 and 2 were successfully delivered by GOG Galaxy? I'm sorry, just trying to have some fun. I understand your point, and I too felt hurt that GOG promised that offline patches and installers wouldn't suffer because of Galaxy, and we both know that was a lie. And even though years ago I thought I'd never move over to using a client, I have since gone to the dark side because I like achievements. It will be bumpy, but they'll get the offline patches sorted for this game too like they always do.

Oh - Don't worry... I get your point... ;-).

I just had to rant about it, because I felt traded like a second class user, just because I do not want to use Galaxy.
I honestly do not care about archievements at all. I never had any feeling about it. It's mostly like "duhh - that stuff is still around". Anyway - I still don't like Galaxy, just like I don't like the Steam Client. To be honest - If I bought a game on Steam, I often download an "offline high sea" installer, just to avoid Steam all together.

Anyway - I am sure the updated off-line installers and patches will be available soon. Maybe this week, maybe this month... Maybe...
Br0adsw0rd: Yup same here :(

Weird it's labelled to Patch 1
and not to Patch 1

Hope they remove the useless EA Patches and Hotfixes soon.
SolanQ: Yeah, it looks like they only released part of patch 1, they forgot the smaller update which Galaxy installed first.

To clarify, my BG3 version history updated through Galaxy currently looks like this:

v4.1.1.3630146 - Patch Patch0_Hotfix2
v4.1.1.3624901 - Patch v1 <--- they added an offline installer for this bit
v4.1.1.3624901 - Patch <--- but they forgot this bit <_<

Not sure if this is Larian or GOG being drunk, but I think it's safe to say someone's rushing the patches out a little too hastily.
There is now an offline installer for "Patch" and once you apply this you can apply the offline installer for hotfix 1
melandis1973: There is now an offline installer for "Patch" and once you apply this you can apply the offline installer for hotfix 1
Ah sweet, thank you!
melandis1973: There is now an offline installer for "Patch" and once you apply this you can apply the offline installer for hotfix 1
Nice, however I get a "404 - Not Found" when I click on the patch. Is it working for anyone else?
Post edited August 09, 2023 by SavageKangaroo
vulchor: I use Galaxy now because achievements help my ADHD brain remember what the hell I had been doing in the game, but there are still a lot of folks left who do things the old ways around here.
Heh, I often look at my achievements and find I still can't remember what the heck I was doing before I stopped playing for a few days.

It's quite an annoying problem to have when you like playing 100+ hour RPG's. Consequently it always annoys me when RPG quest logs don't have a detailed enough quest history, because I can barely remember what NPC1 asked me to do by the time I finish speaking to NPC2, let alone which parts of a multi-stage quest I completed 3 days ago! XD
Post edited August 09, 2023 by SolanQ
melandis1973: There is now an offline installer for "Patch" and once you apply this you can apply the offline installer for hotfix 1
SavageKangaroo: Nice, howerver I get a "404 - Page error" when I click on the patch. Is it working for anyone else?
The number of problems that GOG has created with the release of BG3 is worrying. They have been late with the initial release and late with every update, so far. It doesn't create a good image of the GOG platform for the future.
Post edited August 09, 2023 by daerragh
melandis1973: There is now an offline installer for "Patch" and once you apply this you can apply the offline installer for hotfix 1
SavageKangaroo: Nice, however I get a "404 - Not Found" when I click on the patch. Is it working for anyone else?
I downloaded both patches (one is around 80 Mb and the other around 300 Mb) withouth problems a few minutes ago. Finally also offline-installer users can upgrade to!
melandis1973: There is now an offline installer for "Patch" and once you apply this you can apply the offline installer for hotfix 1
SavageKangaroo: Nice, however I get a "404 - Not Found" when I click on the patch. Is it working for anyone else?
Well, i am having the same problem. getting the 404 error. previously, i encountered the same issue with offline installer patches not been available days/weeks after releases on galaxy/steam with Pathfinder: WotR. i was hoping GOG would address this issue especially with a game as high profile as BG3. guess i am wrong. no I wont consider installing Galaxy. i think this is the final straw for me. going forward i wont be making anymore purchases on GOG.
SavageKangaroo: Nice, however I get a "404 - Not Found" when I click on the patch. Is it working for anyone else?
chshia: Well, i am having the same problem. getting the 404 error. previously, i encountered the same issue with offline installer patches not been available days/weeks after releases on galaxy/steam with Pathfinder: WotR. i was hoping GOG would address this issue especially with a game as high profile as BG3. guess i am wrong. no I wont consider installing Galaxy. i think this is the final straw for me. going forward i wont be making anymore purchases on GOG.
Just out of curiosity, what browsers are you guys using? I seem to recall my husband having similar issues in the past, and I think that was on Firefox. Just wondering if temporarily using a different browser might allow you to at least work around the problem.
Post edited August 09, 2023 by SolanQ
chshia: Well, i am having the same problem. getting the 404 error. previously, i encountered the same issue with offline installer patches not been available days/weeks after releases on galaxy/steam with Pathfinder: WotR. i was hoping GOG would address this issue especially with a game as high profile as BG3. guess i am wrong. no I wont consider installing Galaxy. i think this is the final straw for me. going forward i wont be making anymore purchases on GOG.
SolanQ: Just out of curiosity, what browsers are you guys using? I seem to recall my husband having similar issues in the past, and I think that was on Firefox. Just wondering if temporarily using a different browser might allow you to at least work around the problem.
oh, thank you very much for pointing this out. I was using Brave browser and then tried d/l with Edge instead and that worked. appreciate your help!