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I had been experiencing numerous bugs, glitches, and technical issues while playing Baldur's Gate 3 and attempted to reinstall the game to see if this fixed anything. After uninstalling through Galaxy, the game now will not reinstall. The installation progress bar is stuck at 92% and will not budge. I have attempted to pause/restart the download, reboot Galaxy, and rebooted my computer. Nothing has worked.

Edit: I have also attempted to completely reinstall Galaxy, but my install still stalls at 92%
Post edited August 10, 2023 by MattZeyro
This question / problem has been solved by yupihouseimage
MattZeyro: I had been experiencing numerous bugs, glitches, and technical issues while playing Baldur's Gate 3 and attempted to reinstall the game to see if this fixed anything. After uninstalling through Galaxy, the game now will not reinstall. The installation progress bar is stuck at 92% and will not budge. I have attempted to pause/restart the download, reboot Galaxy, and rebooted my computer. Nothing has worked.
Même problème, mon téléchargement est bloqué à 92% depuis 18h30
Bonjour pareil pour moi ! faite quelque chose svp
même soucis de l'aide SVP

Pour ma part, j'ai dû désinstaller le jeu à cause d'un souci. Et c'est pareil, j'ai passé la soirée depuis 18h, il est maintenant 22h, à tenter de réinstaller le jeu. Il se bloque à 92% et puis plus rien. Trois fois que je recommence tout, j'ai tenté de mettre pause puis de résoudre, couper GOG Galaxy puis le relancer.
Payer un jeu 60 euros et ne pas pouvoir l'installer...


Good morning,

For my part, I had to uninstall the game because of a problem. And it's the same, I spent the evening since 6 p.m., it's now 10 p.m., trying to reinstall the game. It hangs at 92% and then nothing. Three times when I start all over again, I wanted to pause then resolve, shut down GOG Galaxy then restart.
Paying 60 euros for a game and not being able to install it...
Post edited August 10, 2023 by Uraviel
Same issue here. The game downloads to 92% - 105.99GB/106GB and then the download speed drops to 0.3MB/s (I'm on gig fiber) and hangs forever. I have tried pausing and resuming, restarting GG, pausing the download THEN restarting GG then resuming the download, and killing the download completely and starting a new one. That last one was painful since it took an hour to get to 92% both times. This is clearly a server issue since multiple people have experienced this. I also noticed that its been a complaint since at least July and I haven't seen a word from Larian about it. Super frustrating...I'm pretty close to asking for a refund.
Same here, just requested a refund and will purchase from Steam. Looking at the manual install route, they have the installer files broken up into 4 GB chunks so way too many files to mess around with. Pretty janky experience.
Yup same here, quite annoying I must say. Stuck at 105.87 GB of 105.88 GB and not moved for half an hour now
c'est pareil l'installation se bloque à 92%, j'ai essayé de mettre en pause et de relancer. De redémarrer l'ordinateur et même de changer de connexion internet.
Je relance une installation depuis le début, mais vu vos messages à mon avis c'est cramé.


It's the same, the installation gets stuck at 92%. I tried pausing it and restarting. I restarted the computer and even changed the internet connection. I'm starting a fresh installation, but based on your messages, I think it's toast.
damianex: Same here, just requested a refund and will purchase from Steam. Looking at the manual install route, they have the installer files broken up into 4 GB chunks so way too many files to mess around with. Pretty janky experience.
I just went through the trouble of reinstalling the game through this process. It took me about 6hrs to download and install the game in this manner, but it does appear to have "worked." My install was recognized by Galaxy, and it passed the file integrity check.

I'm not going to mark this post as "Resolved" though because I do not believe this is an acceptable solution, and GoG needs to fix their garbage.
same here, bought the game several hours ago, go to eat, and then came back to to see the DL stuck at 92%.

60 euros for this.
Yep, same here.

I think it's the recent update. I had been playing the game every day since release but today it was stuck at 92%, I've restarted it a few times now, sometimes it gets stuck at other percentages. Currently hung up at 3%.
same here. stuck at 92% tried reinstalling 4 times so far nothing works.. may just refund.
May as well raise my hand as somebody having this problem also. 92%.

This has to be some sort of problem in GoG's servers. Some final check of the install that isn't going through.
Me too. So sad.