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If you have a problem running the game after this hotfix, try rebooting. Running in Win11, build 22593.100, all it would do initially is flicker like crazy--nothing immediate would solve it--but after rebooting it is fine. Much have changed something in the registry, I guess. Anyway, that is what solved it for me. I think this is the first time a BG3 patch or hotfix has required a reboot--that I can recall, anyway.

Interesting--because this hotfix was also 70 mb through GOG, just like #22...;)

EDIT: Ignore this post--see my next post in the thread. This was a false alarm.
Post edited April 09, 2022 by waltc
Patching all those druids to follow the law must take more space than you would think?
Post edited April 08, 2022 by ussnorway
ussnorway: Patching all those druids to follow the law must take more space than you would think?
Hah-hah..;) Had to come back and correct my original post. It turns out that it was a bug (or bugs) in the build of Win11 I was using yesterday, 22593.100, which I had just installed. I thought it must be the patch, but that was merely a coincidence, and running the patched game revealed the bug. Long story short: I reverted to 22581.100, the previous build, and now everything is peachy, or ducky, or...well, it's all running properly now...;)
flicker tends to be Gpu and Larian is running a Gpu scan in the background but I'm glad you got it sorted... personally I dislike 11 having installed it on over 100 systems at work its just not ready yet imo and I'll stick with 10 for now with my home systems
ussnorway: flicker tends to be Gpu and Larian is running a Gpu scan in the background but I'm glad you got it sorted... personally I dislike 11 having installed it on over 100 systems at work its just not ready yet imo and I'll stick with 10 for now with my home systems
I definitely agree 11 isn't ready...! No question. So far, all of my games run, so that's a net positive. I started beta testing in the Insider's thing for Win10 back in 2014, believe it or not. I'm still there, now on Win11! So either something is wrong with me or I'm a glutton for punishment...I haven't figured it out.

So today, I tried 22593 again, and oddly enough the bug has not reasserted itself! The very definition of buggy! I'm in the beta channel because the Dev channel is nuts--they throw out nothing but UI junk constantly, with no thought to building stability, so I'm in Beta, now, which is far more stable than the Dev channel. The Win10 Insider's was a much different experience than this has been.

Why Microsoft did this is a mystery. The last Win10 build the gave us--21390--was the best build of Win10 I've seen--they had put in "Auto HDR" which actually works very well for D3d11/12 SDR-only games in translating the color palette on the fly to HDR values--but then they moved AutoHDR into Win11--which was unfair to their Win10 customers, I thought--and still think. Anyway, AutoHDR works much better than I ever thought it would, it's a nice image-quality feature, imo. Surprising. And it's real HDR, too--won't function without an HDR-capable monitor.

Still doesn't change the fact that Win11 isn't ready for prime time! Agreed.
Post edited April 10, 2022 by waltc