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I cut my hair a decade or so ago. I like having my window down when I drive, even in cold weather, and my hair began to get tangled easier as I got older.

Back to the main topic:

So maybe you just have read it wrong. Heck, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The post was entirely about how bad the character screen is when trying to make a character. Not that it gave too many options. It actually doesn't give enough male options as all the hair options seem female except the balding and a few other ones.

Now that you have been corrected, lets move on to book banning. I include these three WAAAY off topic paragraphs because of the accusation you gave my complaint (Nazi Like).

I'll respond to you in three paragraphs, then I'm not debating it any longer as this is not the thread's purpose:


The books in question goes into graphic (when I say graphic, I mean graphic. How it feels physically, hurts, how it makes the person feel, the action described in excruciating minuteness) detail of incest, rape, sex of all kinds including pediophilia. Many also have graphic art depiciting the actions. Some explain in detail how to get online and send photos/videos online without parents knowing and how to hide things on devices. Your minor can read exactly how the little girl in some book hated how it felt when she was raped by her father but after the first few times she started to enjoy it and all in graphic detail. GRAPHIC detail.

So yeah, books need to be banned from grade schools (not banned outright btw). If banning them, this trash, from grade school kids is 'Nazi Like' to you, then I understand how you might think my desire for more options for male hair styles might be 'Nazi Like' to you. People sometimes throw a phrase like that, then support Gaza for instance, because the meaning isn't really understood.

It's good that you mention school boards. Grassroots Army has many of these books exposed in their videos of school board meetings. Many times the reader of the books are asked to stop, during their alloted time, because it is to Graphic to hear in public.

I'll not respond to your jibes any longer in kind. It gets the thread way off topic. Shall we get back on topic?
Post edited November 19, 2023 by Kohleran
Kohleran: ...
'The Diary of Anne Frank'? 'Maus'? You might want actually to read these masterpieces and see what they have to say before spouting off the "Moms for Liberty" lies.
Kohleran: ...
alcaray: 'The Diary of Anne Frank'? 'Maus'? You might want actually to read these masterpieces and see what they have to say before spouting off the "Moms for Liberty" lies.
If you want to cry about a certain book like The Diary of Anne Frank was on the list or not, then great. I support you in that.

Doesn't make anything I said a lie because your book that you think shouldn't be on the list is on the list.

It's easy to find my truth. It's in black and white lettering in the books in the grade schools and you can watch the school boards defending having said books which they wouldn't do if they were not there to begin with.

People like you are masters of obfuscation.

Ok, ok, done. I'll try real hard to stop de-railing this thread with you.
Post edited November 19, 2023 by Kohleran
philedelphis: I was also pretty surprised were aren't really able to mess with the faces or bodies more, heard so much good about the games' customization too.
Yeah, me too. I think that making a standard looking character should be the easiest thing. But it is actually hard to make a character that is typical. But mainly, I wish there were more options for male characters that wanted to look male, without having a bald head. I'm sure it's there, but that leads to my second issue, that even if they are there, it is hard to find.

It seems more difficult than it should be.
philedelphis: I was also pretty surprised were aren't really able to mess with the faces or bodies more, heard so much good about the games' customization too.
Kohleran: Yeah, me too. I think that making a standard looking character should be the easiest thing. But it is actually hard to make a character that is typical. But mainly, I wish there were more options for male characters that wanted to look male, without having a bald head. I'm sure it's there, but that leads to my second issue, that even if they are there, it is hard to find.

It seems more difficult than it should be.
The reason for this is that (pretty much) all the dialog where you can see the face for all the character faces you can choose are mo-capped and saved in the game.
Kohleran: Reeks of them trying to be politically correct and not say this hairstyle is typical of anyone or something.
And we get to the crux of the problem. OP has a very narrowly-defined standards of aesthetics, and wants to force their narrow view on everyone else. The fact that there are more options than just their own perspective is a negative.

The fact that he didn't even care about clipping, which is a legitimate complaint if we're talking about appearances, further reinforces the point.

This is not a complaint about a feature of the game, it's a poorly-disguised complaint that the game has inclusive features.

The fact is, he *can* make a character that looks appealing to his narrow-minded view... he's just complaining that it takes too long. It takes too long because Larian built options into the game for different aesthetics.

Larian gave more options. Deal with it. If it bothers you that much, go write your own mod that removes all the options you don't like, and play in your own little sandbox with Ken and Barbie characters... but quit bugging the rest of us with your myopic world view. There's no room for that here.
This thread was amazing popcorn. OP was straight up poppin' eugenics pills, wanting everyone to look like a Hollywood supermodel after 15 botox shots. I recall, it was someone telling Jeremy Clarkson that he should get his skin tightened up.

Clarkson brushed it off, while the person advising he does so now looks like a melted muppet.
I only find it moderately hard to create good looking characters in BG3, compared to other games.

My main complaint is lack of options with faces. Really ? You flood us with hairdos, but we get less than a douzen options for faces ? Why ?

A real problem is male Gnomes, which look both absolutely horrible and absolutely nothing like Gnomes.

I also dont like at all how they implemented picking jewelry, thats just stupid. They should have just made a list, just like for faces, hairdos, tattoos and scars. The way its done its a complete PITA, its literally a clickfest. Also of course very limited options, which thanks to this interface is actually a blessing.

About the Guardian, which has nothing to do with love interests, most of the time I really just make the exact same one, a female Seldarine Drow. Dark gray skin, gray eye color, white hair, red highlights, flower tattoos. Drows are the easiest to make look really good.

Mostly I wished they would make more "show all options" clickies. For example I dont want female voices on a male character, or vice versa. Thats just pure annoyance.
Geromino: Mostly I wished they would make more "show all options" clickies. For example I dont want female voices on a male character, or vice versa. Thats just pure annoyance.
That is a Baldur's Gate tradition.
Geromino: Mostly I wished they would make more "show all options" clickies. For example I dont want female voices on a male character, or vice versa. Thats just pure annoyance.
J Lo: That is a Baldur's Gate tradition.
It's also a real-world tradition. There are plenty of men who, when they call me on the phone, sound like women and vice versa. Just listen to male pop singers when they talk, or particularly tall women (e.g. models or WNBA players).

Besides, some players don't want a serious playthrough. My first playthrough, my "lover" was a gnome that looked more like that dude from The Prodigy than a gnome, and in this playthrough I've got a slender, feminie-looking elf with a deep voice. I frequently forget, and it makes me laugh every time a new dream sequence starts and the voice just doesn't match the small-frame, slender build I gave her.

Different people like different things. Larian did a good job giving us a lot of selection so people can play the way that suits them. Quit complaining about it.
J Lo: That is a Baldur's Gate tradition.
mathaetaes: It's also a real-world tradition. There are plenty of men who, when they call me on the phone, sound like women and vice versa. Just listen to male pop singers when they talk, or particularly tall women (e.g. models or WNBA players).

Besides, some players don't want a serious playthrough. My first playthrough, my "lover" was a gnome that looked more like that dude from The Prodigy than a gnome, and in this playthrough I've got a slender, feminie-looking elf with a deep voice. I frequently forget, and it makes me laugh every time a new dream sequence starts and the voice just doesn't match the small-frame, slender build I gave her.

Different people like different things. Larian did a good job giving us a lot of selection so people can play the way that suits them. Quit complaining about it.
The tradition I was referring to was being able to pick a male or female voice, regardless of which gender your character is. You can do this in both of the previous games.

Extending these options to hair (or any other trait) is in spirit with the Baldur's Gate series. I personally love the options we get in the game. It looks like my post didn't reflect that, and I apologize for it.

Neither BG1 nor BG2 force me to click through female voices to hear the male voices, or vice versa.

They both get their end of the list.

In fact I can just pick whatever voice I want directly, for after a while you know how they sound.
Yeah, Geromino, that is what I'm talking about. Male Voice, Female Voice, Male Voice, Female Voice... It is the same with the hair styles. This isn't science. Other games have done it successfully for a very long time. Most of the hair styles (sans balding and a couple of others) are typical of females.

It's obvious and blatant.

As far as the others spewing non-sense, you didn't read, or don't care to read what I wrote.

No use addressing each of you with what I have already stated --- the interface makes it hard to find a typical male character model. I want also would have liked a bunch more typical male options.

Never did I state anything about hating there were options. I stated I wanted more options. And also better UI to find them.

But it scrubs you the wrong way and I get that. How dare someone want access to typical male character models! The OUTRAGE!

Post edited November 22, 2023 by Kohleran
Ever watch the Office?

One episode Michael wears a suit to work, and its a woman's suit.

If they had suits at the store side by side, womens, mens, womens, men, men, womens, womens, womens, men. etc... You would need to check each one to see if it had shoulder pads and the buttons were correct etc...

Same thing here. Except it seems overwhelmingly female hair styles and like the suits in the scenario above, the few male hairstyles are mixed in with the rest and it isn't just chance, it was purposeful just like the voices are male, female, male, female.not by chance.

Never mentioned that there were too many female hair styles or to many options. Only not comparable options for a typical male hairstyle. But what should one expect from gender warrior folks?
Kohleran: As far as the others spewing non-sense, you didn't read, or don't care to read what I wrote.
So basically, "if you don't fully agree with me, it's clear you just didn't read what I wrote".

You're just a troll, and not even a very clever one. You're just parroting the same tired lines that we've already seen before. Go back to the Moms for Liberty facebook group; You're not interested in a real discussion, and your hate group dog-whistles and small-minded views are not welcome here.