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Is it me, or is it difficult to create a character that looks good? The models are a trial to make look like something I'd imagine as my character I would want to look like.

And not just for my character, but for my "love interest", since you can create that model as well. I mean, it can be done, but a majority of options and such aren't appealing. I have to work with it to get something.

In both cases, I think it's mostly the face that is the issue. And hair to match. But mostly the face.
Post edited February 28, 2021 by Kohleran
Kohleran: Is it me, or is it difficult to create a character that looks good? The models are a trial to make look like something I'd imagine as my character I would want to look like.

And not just for my character, but for my "love interest", since you can create that model as well. I mean, it can be done, but a majority of options and such aren't appealing. I have to work with it to get something.

In both cases, I think it's mostly the face that is the issue. And hair to match. But mostly the face.
Have you played 'Oblivion'?
Kohleran: I mean, it can be done, but a majority of options and such aren't appealing. I have to work with it to get something.
so the real issue here is they gave you too much choice?

this is my current character and yes I spent the time to make her look "nice" but I could have just hit default and got on with my game
So you think its great? OK. The face models do not look appealing to me unless I spend time to make them bearable. Only a few (or a couple) look decent to me. So its not an overabundance of choice that is at play. It's, out of all the options, there are just a few (a couple) that look ok.

The lighting is dark, but from what I see, your character looks ok. But even you admit you had to spend time to get to that point.

My loaded up again today, and found a new combination that is bearable. It's not that it can't be done, but you have to work at it to find a decent combination. My previous attempt was ok (after half an hour of trying) but after a few hours play, I was disgusted with THAT being the face of my character.

Like I said, maybe its just me. Other games seem to have nice looking models more so than this system seems to have.
ok so you can make a pretty character and lets assume your idea of what a pretty character should look like is more or less the same as mine... why does every character need to have supermodel looks?

p.s, I'm all for more options; give me a halforc which got kicked in the face by a mule, humans with pockmarks or an elf Cleric that really likes her cakes :)
Post edited March 01, 2021 by ussnorway
A good looking character is hard without mods. So I would suggest starting there (imo, the skin texture are as fugly as hell).
Wompoo: A good looking character is hard without mods. So I would suggest starting there (imo, the skin texture are as fugly as hell).
Yes. I thought I was literally the only one. The skin/face textures are bad. Some hair also looks stringy (when it shouldn't).

I'm all for diversity and having some bad looking orcs kicked in the face models. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about making a normal character that looks good is difficult.

You may have a thousand options, but when 85 percent or more look daff without putting a lot of time into tweaks, then something might need something improved. The facial models for male elf for instance, (mentioning that because that is the last one I tried)... The choices aren't great.

Maybe I should set my resolution down and turn my lighting to where it is really dark. Then the models might look better.
Post edited March 05, 2021 by Kohleran
I was also pretty surprised were aren't really able to mess with the faces or bodies more, heard so much good about the games' customization too.
Kohleran: The facial models for male elf for instance, (mentioning that because that is the last one I tried)... The choices aren't great.
ok the default has some small clipping around the ears for about 5 hairs
Thanks. You should try red heads next. Red really makes the string hair issue pop, imo. Go through the different hair-styles and some look like a person pulled yarn through a basketball around the edges and hairline. Make the hair blonde and its not as noticeable.

The clipping you brought up, I could live with. But since you bring it up, it wouldnt hurt to add that to the issues.
Thought since the game is out and the patches have been rolling in, I'd actually play. And then I hit the character screen again. Man, it's frustrating and puts a bad taste right from the get go.

Why are the men's and women's hair all mixed together. That alone would make it a little bit easier. I often go with long hair on a dude, not all the time, but sometimes when playing an elf or a barbarian (norse warrior) type. But I'm having problems finding one that doesn't make the dude look like a girl. And since they are all jumbled together it is even harder. I'm sure there is a decent one in there, but ugg.

Reeks of them trying to be politically correct and not say this hairstyle is typical of anyone or something.

So I click on one with half the head shaved and looks to be long hair and I said this might be a decent barbarian cut. I twist the model around and it's up in a ponytail.

Just so bad.
Kohleran: Thought since the game is out and the patches have been rolling in, I'd actually play. And then I hit the character screen again. Man, it's frustrating and puts a bad taste right from the get go.

Why are the men's and women's hair all mixed together. That alone would make it a little bit easier. I often go with long hair on a dude, not all the time, but sometimes when playing an elf or a barbarian (norse warrior) type. But I'm having problems finding one that doesn't make the dude look like a girl. And since they are all jumbled together it is even harder. I'm sure there is a decent one in there, but ugg.

Reeks of them trying to be politically correct and not say this hairstyle is typical of anyone or something.

So I click on one with half the head shaved and looks to be long hair and I said this might be a decent barbarian cut. I twist the model around and it's up in a ponytail.

Just so bad.
I like some of the short hair "male" hair options for female characters. I'm glad to have the choice. I don't think it's bad. I think you are bad for not wanting me to have that option.
I think short haired options for females are great, just like I said some long haired ones I sometimes use myself. You think I'm bad for something I didn't do, which is wish you didn't have the option.

It's like all of your kind. Making things up so you can be angry about my opinion.

I said finding a male hair style is extra hard because they are mixed with typical female hair styles. Unless you pick a bald, balding, or one or two others, it is difficult to find a male hairstyle, in particular when it is mixed with females like it is.

I was intending to play a barbarian, so was actually looking for a long haired style, but it was frustrating to find one that didn't look like a female / male mixed up character. By that I mean, most of the long haired options look female in quality. I even gave an example. So I tried finding a typical male short hair style and it just seems unneccessarily difficult to sift thru the way it is.

You don't like it because I actually have the gall to say a particular hairstyle is typically male or female where in your world there is no such thing.

Sorry bud, not sorry.

EDIT: I see in the your pic your sporting long hair. I used to have long hair, probably longer than yours is. Rock n Roll, you know. Bob Seiger Turn the Page lyrics of 'is it woman or a man' going on. I never said anything about not having the option for long or short hair. That is a lie you told.
Post edited November 19, 2023 by Kohleran
Instead of getting huffed up, try to assist. Counting from the top left to bottom right, what are some male long haired styles that would fit a male barbarian. One that doesn't look like the dude is wearing a woman's wig. It's not outside possibility dude. Other games I've played in the past make it easy. Just give me some numbers that doesn't look like Barbie Girls hair with a dudes face- something fit for a male barbarian type character. Thanks.
Kohleran: ...
My avatar pic is from the 70s. I cut my hair down to my scalp last summer because it was too hot to bother with.

I'm pretty sure that you did say it was "bad" because there were options for male characters to have hair options that you found "just so bad". This is like the nazi ladies that want to remove all the books from the libraries that they don't like (and take over the school boards). Just let people make their own choices. (Talk about "huffing up"!)