The thing that bothers me about the bandit intro isn't the fact that it's an unwinnable fight - something like this needs to happen for narrative purposes, to provide a reason you start even more under-equipped than you would otherwise - it's the fact that these "bandits" are the nicest, most non-ruthless bandits in the entire wasteland.
There needs to be some other narrative reason for them to not simply kill you - and for a female character, for you not to end up gang-raped first (because in a similar situation in real life the chance of that not happening would be really small).
So, IMO one way this could be improved is if the "bandits" were interrupted by some other force operating in the area, so instead of killing/raping/etc., they just quickly grab what they can from your tent and get the hell out. We're about 12 hours walk away from Otradnoye, so it would make sense for it to be Dan's men - e.g. a bunch of them could be returning from a raid, or stopping some even worse assholes, and since they consider Otradnoye and its surrounds to be "their territory", they're going to take down anyone else stirring things up in the region. If 12 hours is too far to be in "Dan's territory", then the "campsite" event could be moved closer to match.
I can easily imagine a bunch of Dan's men being people this "gang" wouldn't want to mess with, since there'd be a lot of them, if they're coming back from something. Also, if they're coming back from something it would also explain why they don't actually chase the other gang once they escape - and also why they don't encounter your character or camp site at this time (but if they did, I can't imagine them caring since you have nothing left to steal - you're not a threat but you probably also seem useless to them, so no point in helping you or killing you).
Also, if you act like an asshole in this intro fight, the bandits should shoot you (instead of just knocking you out), leaving you on the brink of death instead of just knocked out. If you actually fight them, then you should probably just end up dead - even though that would piss off people even more... ;)
sambrookjm: I don't think you're supposed to get past the least, not with all of your equipment from the tutorial. They're designed to beat you up and take your stuff. I tried it three times, and each time it was the same thing.
marblehead: Exactly. Doesnt generate any affinity with the character youve just created. Poor decision. If a mod appears to avoid this part I will retry game
So you want a mod that avoids a scripted event? That occurs right at the start (not including intro/tutorial zone)? That literally takes up around 30 seconds? That explains why you start with hardly any equipment?
Why don't you treat it as a cut-scene then and just click through it as fast as possible, and pretend it never happened?
Or do you want a mod that allows you to also start the game with an AK and some ammo (and possibly some basic body armour)? Apart from that, I don't think you were actually "given" anything else as you left the base, but even this would allow you to breeze through a major chunk of the game without even trying... and if you really want to do that, I'm sure you can just spawn an AK and some ammo using the console....
If this has all occurred as a cut-scene - instead of being interactive - I'm sure this would completely remove the whiners, even though the actual in-game difference would be zero...