PCGH: Yep! Any news? :)
Best regards,
Sr. Chalice: From what I've gathered via steam, it seems they haven't updated the game since that launch update. A lot of people have review bombed the game because of it or been flooding the forums and discord with suggested changes. It also went on sale for 15 bucks off 2 weeks ago. I figure what's happening here is that they are working on one giant patch and then we'll see the game during that update. I could be wrong but it seems very likely. I thought the game would've made it to GoG during that week of discount but it didn't. So this is the best I could surmise.
A friend bought it on Steam for 35€ on sale in Germany.
He already finished the game and said, that he liked it (7/10).
A patch would be nice, because he didn't like camera during the fights at all (espacially during bossfights).
There are also many audio-, clipping- and lock-on-issues.
Bosses can't be locked on because they are in the world-geometry or elite-enemies got reseted with full-health, because they left the fight-area; but ther are no indication where they end and many lines are cut mid talk.
He mentioned, that he had 10-15 CTDs in his coop-playthrough.