hercufles: I have done the island of dispear and there i found out that i need to as the wheel clan dwarfes about the black mountain dwarves but he refuses to give me the item so i can find the entrance to the wheel clan can someone help me pls i went to that location and there is a rock selecteble but i cant do nothing does anyone know how i can gain entrance?
In order to get into the Wheel Clan, you need glasses with Kathorn crystal lenses. But since you couldn't get the glasses from the dwarf on the Isle of Despair, the only other way to get the glasses (that I know of, anyways) is to have someone make them. There is a guy in Ashbury who will make them for you, but you'll need two Kathorn crystals and a pair of glasses. He'll make them for you for 1000 gold, if I remember correctly.