Posted October 31, 2013

about backstab: this works only if the target has not seen you already, right?

Backstab is useful even in normal melee situations against fully aware monsters. You can see the effects quite clearly by trying it on the wolves at the crash site. Instead of simply attacking them, run behind and attack them. Not as decisive as Stun+Backstab, but far more effective than a straight ahead attack.
Your ogre will do extreme amounts of damage, but you'll want to pump points into DEX because mobility is important for positioning (and for lots of other reasons). DEX is far more important than STR for a Stun/Backstab character, actually.
All my chars had maximum dex because I always use turn based combat and I want as much action points as possible. Max strengh is also good for a fighter. And maybe this one wants some perception for traps. As for skills: max melee, dodge, backstab, lockpick, pickpocket (just for the sake of beeing the perverted of tarant, I have read the guide after beating the game) and find and disarm traps.
He is an idiot because I never played one before and the dialogues were so funny.
And its an orc and not an ogre. Ogres may be more effective but I want the most hated idiot bastard in the world.