This is not guaranteed to work - I have not tried it as I haven't played the game in a while :-)
Look in your last save directory, note that I do not have the version so this may be different. For me it's "D:\Games\Anachronox\anoxdata\SAVE\anoxsavN", where N is some number between 1 and 999. I seem to recall a forum thread asking where the saves were, so you can probably find that and work out where they are, if they differ for gog's version.
There will be a "photos" sub-directory under this directory, and with each photo you have taken, there will be a ".dat" filename. I have a photo of an Anachronox symbol I tool somewhere, which gives me "photo1.dat" and "photo1.tga". Go through all your "*.dat" files, you should have some which have references to "redbipidriM" where M is the numbers 1 to 8. Note that I do not currently have bipidri pho
Locate the photo of the bipidri where the ".dat" file is not correct, or non-existent. I suggest copying one of the others and editing it to have the right "redbipidriM" reference, where M is the number which is missing. Note that if you change any part of this file other than the number (and your text editor may do it automatically, so make sure you use a harmless one) Anachronox may choke and crash. If you're not sure about this, download and install Python 2.7 and open a dos prompt in the "anoxsavN" directory and do the following:
> c:\python27\python -c "f = open('photoN.dat', 'rb'); s =; f.close(); s = s.replace('red
bipidriX', 'redbipidriY'); f = open('photoM.dat', 'wb'); f.write(s); f.close()"
Of course, ensure the N, M, X and Y are the correct numbers.
Will this work? I expect it will. Please report back :-)
Post edited March 23, 2012 by richard.m.tew