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Seems there is no thread for this yet, so... may as well make one. :P

Here are my results, using Wine 1.4.1 with Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 "Wheezy".

Game installer won't work, but innoextract does, and this useful tip from silviucc should work as well.

Game launches and runs, but with my version of Wine (again, 1.4.1) I can't move around using the mouse. After browsing the Wine Application Database, apparently this seems to be an issue that is present in older versions of Wine, but not newer versions. I will try a Playonlinux install with a newer version of Wine (maybe 1.7x) and see what happens.

Galaxy stuff, of course, does not work out of the box. Not sure if I'll even bother trying to fix it.
If anyone seems to have tried this, go ahead and post here.
Post edited October 21, 2014 by BillyMaysFan59
Game works.
Galaxy stuff don't.

Haven't tried to fix galaxy yet.
I can't even install it, the installer crashes. What version of Wine are you using?
HiPhish: I can't even install it, the installer crashes. What version of Wine are you using?
1.4.1, like I said in the description. I can't install it either, even if I use the "/nogui" option.

EDIT: I can use innoextract though, so I guess I'd have to recommend that as a workaround. The game does launch and run too.
Post edited October 17, 2014 by BillyMaysFan59
HiPhish: I can't even install it, the installer crashes. What version of Wine are you using?
Latest dev.
But I didn't note that you gotta run it with /nogui flag otherwise it will crash.
Also if it keeps crashing maybe try making wineprefix with WINEARCH=win32
Small success, but still no multi:

I'm using PlayOnLinux. I created separate x86 prefix for Galaxy. I used Innoextract on installer. Moved game content from app to C:/GOG Games/AvP Classic directory (I had an installer and after Galaxy updated it, it created a new directory AvP, without Classic).

I've installed in the prefix some things I spotted in folder with Galaxy installer (tmp directory from innoextracted setup), that I've seen in Galaxy installer directory (but couldn't install VC++ 2012).

To shortcut made from Galaxy Client I added arguments /gameId=1207665883 /command=launch '/path=C:\GOG Games\AvP Classic' (after update, or with setup, remove Classic to match directory name with the game). Arguments are copied from shortcut on Windows machine.

Launching GalaxyClient from POL with arguments mentioned above let me: log in, update game to newest version, launch game. What doesn't work - multiplayer. It may have something to do with process that isn't running or lack of some libraries or redistributables that aren't installed. I have no idea.

Maybe somebody can move from here. Sorry for a bit vague and chaotic post. ;)

Screenshots. Worth mentioning: starting Galaxy greets us with an Updater error.
Post edited October 17, 2014 by InkPanther
Tried it so far in CrossOver 14 on OS X (which uses a modified version of WINE 1.7.25), and I've run into the same problems everyone else has - first the installer fails right off the bat; I haven't tried /nogui, as others have reported that it doesn't work. Second, after using innoextract and moving it into its own directory (as per InkPanther's steps), the game crashes after launch.

I tried installing DirectX 9, and installing the unofficial [url=]AvPx[/url] patch, but that just gave me a black screen.

It's very disappointing, since the Steam version is rated Platinum under 1.7.14 on the AppDB, and in my own experience, the DotEmu version of the game works perfectly out of the box with DirectX 9 installed, both with and without the AvPx patch.
InkPanther: I've installed in the prefix some things I spotted in folder with Galaxy installer (tmp directory from innoextracted setup), that I've seen in Galaxy installer directory (but couldn't install VC++ 2012).
It'd be nice if you could tell me what you exactly installed!
InkPanther: I've installed in the prefix some things I spotted in folder with Galaxy installer (tmp directory from innoextracted setup), that I've seen in Galaxy installer directory (but couldn't install VC++ 2012).
rampancy: It'd be nice if you could tell me what you exactly installed!
Well... In tmp folder after using Innoextract there were setup files for DirectX from June 2010, Visual C++ 2010 Redist and Visual C++ 2012 Redist. So from components in POL I chose directx9, d3dx9_43 (couldn't start the game and debug mode said it was missing) and vcrun2010. There wasn't vcrun2012 and when I tried using installer (as a non listed program) from tmp, it just died couple of times, so I gave up on this one. I randomly added also dotnet and msvc components - probably "just in case", but I really didn't know why would I need them. Then I installed Galaxy from installer in tmp.
The /nogui option did work for me. i was still getting some random error boxes with no message, but the game installed fine.
To get rid of the annoying error messages run setup file with options: "/nogui /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"

The ugly part is that the menus are rendered at a very low resolution and it breaks desktops especially for nvidia users. The game itself will run at whatever widescreen/4:3 resolution you set it too. Run in an emulated desktop if your drivers don't handle aspect ratio correctly.
Post edited October 18, 2014 by silviucc
silviucc: To get rid of the annoying error messages run setup file with options: "/nogui /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"

The ugly part is that the menus are rendered at a very low resolution and it breaks desktops especially for nvidia users. The game itself will run at whatever widescreen/4:3 resolution you set it too. Run in an emulated desktop if your drivers don't handle aspect ration correctly.
Cheers, thanks for the tip! I was able to install it successfully. :-)
BillyMaysFan59: Seems there is no thread for this yet, so... may as well make one. :P

I will update this post later with test results after I download the game and try running it in Wine. (I use version 1.4.1 on Debian GNU/Linux 7.0)

If anyone seems to have already tried this, go ahead and post here.
The game runs but ... the game installer does not work under wine. I tested version: 1.7.8, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4-dos_support_0.6 - Windows XP 32bit on PlayOnLinux.
I installed the game on a virtual machine (VirtualBox - Windows XP 32bit), and then I moved the installed game directory to ~ / PlayOnLinux / WINEPREFIX / Aliens_vs_Predator_Classic_2000_GoG / drive_c / Program Files. Directory "Aliens_vs_Predator_Classic_2000_GoG" was created by PoL during a previous unsuccessful installation of the game.
The game gets started, Single Player works. I tested the first mission.
Multi mode will not start.
I noticed problems with the font.
avp_wine.jpeg (453 Kb)
Post edited October 20, 2014 by bialyikar
bialyikar: I installed the game on a virtual machine (VirtualBox - Windows XP 32bit)
You can use innoextract on GOG installers.

I noticed problems with the font.
D3dx9_43 component should fix it.
BillyMaysFan59: Seems there is no thread for this yet, so... may as well make one. :P

I will update this post later with test results after I download the game and try running it in Wine. (I use version 1.4.1 on Debian GNU/Linux 7.0)

If anyone seems to have already tried this, go ahead and post here.
bialyikar: The game runs but ... the game installer does not work under wine. I tested version: 1.7.8, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4-dos_support_0.6 - Windows XP 32bit on PlayOnLinux.
I installed the game on a virtual machine (VirtualBox - Windows XP 32bit), and then I moved the installed game directory to ~ / PlayOnLinux / WINEPREFIX / Aliens_vs_Predator_Classic_2000_GoG / drive_c / Program Files. Directory "Aliens_vs_Predator_Classic_2000_GoG" was created by PoL during a previous unsuccessful installation of the game.
The game gets started, Single Player works. I tested the first mission.
Multi mode will not start.
I noticed problems with the font.
GOG uses Innosetup for the packages, If you want to unpack them, you can use innoextract. You can find the game in the app subfolder. I could run the game without a problem, however I didn't have time yet to test it in detail.
Ha, success!

To my previous attempts I've added one more step.

I had to copy from a windows machine two files that GalaxyUpdater wasn't able to download under Wine:
GalaxyPeer.dll and GalaxyPeer64.dll. Both of them are in Program Files/GalaxyClient.

Keep these files updated please!

While this solution may not be permanent (if Updater didn't work once, it will probably fail in future under Wine). The game itself doesn't always launch and it looked like it managed to freeze during joining to server once or twice. But still... it's possible to play online. ;)

Screenshots attached.
Post edited October 23, 2014 by InkPanther