zarkonnen: The game now has a Discord server, so if you'd like to chat to other airshippers and the developer,
join us there.
eryngo: Invite is not working (anymore?)
However, I encounter issues with the dedicated server.
First; the game is shipped with a 32bit Java JRE, which complains about out of memory exceptions due to the 1024M limit.
second; the default .exe files ignores the lib path(?) which causes execeptions because 'jinput-dx8' etc. could not be found.
So in the end iam running the main game via:
java.exe -Djava.library.path=%cd%\lib\native;%cd%\lib -Xmx4096M -XX:MaxPermSize=2048M -cp game.jar com.zarkonnen.airships.Main
All good, until I try to join my dedicated server;
Init ResChooserScreen
Init AirshipGame
No Monkey
Checking for FBO
Done checking for FBO
Loading screen inited
Loading game data...
Checking mods
Loading game data complete
Memory check: 897
Loading game data complete
main menu inited
Memory check: 1385
Memory check: 1362
java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempting to access closed sheet.
at com.zarkonnen.airships.SpritesheetBundle.getTex(
at com.zarkonnen.airships.Appearance.lockShader(
at com.zarkonnen.airships.BackdropVisualLayer.draw(
at com.zarkonnen.airships.UniScreen.render(
at com.zarkonnen.airships.AirshipGame.render(
at com.zarkonnen.catengine.SlickEngine.render(
at org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer.updateAndRender(
at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.gameLoop(
at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.start(
at com.zarkonnen.catengine.SlickEngine$MyAppGameContainer.runUntil(
at com.zarkonnen.catengine.SlickEngine.runUntil(
at com.zarkonnen.airships.Main.main(
java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempting to access closed sheet.
Any suggestions?
Invite should be working again. Why are you launching the client like this, rather than in the normal way?