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Mimo: You're learning too fast Mr. PotatoHead. I liked it better when you were ignorant and made silly mistakes.
Ah, but I still make tons of silly mistakes, knowledge doesn't stop me from doing that, don't worry.

DF1871: As i said :)...i have to test it out at SP-Maps or even a MP-Game becuase i only played them at the campaign until now and there you start in a position where you build up nearly from nothing and the enemy is throwinh waves of Knights at you...but many thanks for the Tipp.

By the Way, the Hive is done but to be honest it wasn't neither fun or difficult...just painfull and annoying.
Ok, good to hear that you managed to beat the map anyway. Did you go for the sword directly then and abandon everything?
No, i fought them off and created a stable base.

"Just" surviving the first scripted waves, keeping the heroes alive, staying out of the enemys Domän...and it was possible to hold ground..and start the long road to reconquer the areas lost during the waves...and..but you know the Map.

I even found a way to save one of the allies during a later "funtry", maybe it would even possible to save up to 3 of them but i didn't had the nerves to try it out.
Single flying unit and killer stacks of lords are useless since they can't attack flying units. If you keep one in your alies capitals you can save them long enough to get all their spells.
After several years of playing PBEM games I finally got to this map in SP.
Soon I will learn if it really is so hard as I keep hearing. The previous map was breeze (only I had to google what am I supposed to do to win it after I killed everybody:-))

To add something to discussion in this thread and not only spam here, I am certainly getting peacekeeper. In previous map with O'neron I was able to keep every single race present under my banner (from pure evil to good) and it saved me a ton of time needed for migrating and I was continuosly able to push enemies thanks to it.
To reiterate WTF's answer: Lords can't attack flying units (they might try, but if you just keep the flyer out of combat, the battle will time-out). So if you want to save Keenan's and Symons capital cities, you need to get a single flying unit there asap.

- The Succubus should be able to make it to Keenan just in time to save him if you start moving her there on turn 1.
- Hobbits have a flying unit (which along with Sheriffs are their only units worth building anyways).
- Meandor's is the hardest city to save, but no big deal since they screw up your morale.

All your initial towns just need to be able to defend themselves. Rather than spending time building up new towns much, go for the Sword as early as possible, as the fastest way to be able to counter-attack the All-Devourer is to capture the fully-developed enslaved cities in the Shadow World.
I have to say I expected it harder. The guy who wrote walkthrough on GameFAQs claims that it took him 1100 turns to complete it and how incredibly hard it was.

I finished it in 57 turns and I could cut it down at least 10 turns if I had rushed All-Devourer instead of conquering all shadow world. I captured the sword around turn 40 and it was almost decided by then.
I admit I used exploit once, when I sent Succubbus to guard Ke-nan's capital to protect it.
I kept him alive until the end, but he went bankrupt and most of his units left him anyway. He was useless but he managed to tie down stack 8 Lords for whole game.
O'Neron and Julia managed to stay alive even without any exploits and I let Symon and Meandor fall without my interference.

I started by expanding to those few cities to east (Goblin and Orc). In the meantime I fortified the eastern draconian city, never leaving out of underground there and slowly seazing all Goblin and Orc cities there.
I kept most of those cities with their original race, I only migrated one Orc city and later another one but only because it got captured and migrated to Demons. I used one stronger army with Tebryn to mantain my realm and fighting demons whenever they appeared.
In the meantime another army with Paxnaria went north, capturing and fighting everything it could. I wandered across Elven territory, near to O'Neron before I ultimately taken the sword and went into Shadow World. After I got into shadow world it was easy and only matter of time as I didn't have to care about defending my towns too much when Devourer had to defend himself.

So I think the turtle course of action suggested in walkthrough is not good course as it allows Devourer to build tons of units and you end up in stalemate.
And I think Peacekeeper was great skill here. In the end I was able to keep any race within my realm, without having to migrate any. I still migrated demon towns but only because I wanted. I was able to have both Archon and Undead units.