Mimo: Re: Spell trading - Even though we're allies, I'm not comfortable giving away spells. Always seemed a little not fair to the players without early game Allies.
Would it make a difference to hear that it is 3v3?
Also, why do I seem to be the only one quickly researching new spells? Are you two going for more expensive ones, or simply holding your mana for the time being?
Mimo: Irene - Day 5? maybe - Finally got an offensive spell researched and tried to suicide my Wizard so I can return to my Tower. But I'm too strong for that and easily killed a Shadow Demon Skimmer. If I'd been Vitek, I'm sure I would have died though.
If you wanted to die so badly, maybe you shouldn't have cast that attack spell! ;)
Knocked out the guards on the production resources. The unicorn phased behind the goblin darter and proceeded to sort of wave menacingly in its direction. The sword/axe/whatever guy trotted back and the two of them successfully put down the unicorn without dying to it. The pegasus (ding!) and the avenger got all 4 kills, with the wizard providing some damage dealing and damage sponging.
My reward? Stone Wall or Wizard Tower 3. Sigh. At least the choice was easy.
New question! Is it possible to "remove" a building from the list of possibilities by having it started in the building queue before picking up production resources?