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Gabriel, Day 54

My circle of love is now complete. We await the first delivery of Fungi with open arms.

Ambir, Day 54

We found Serena's fungi again.
It got really far.

Turn sent.
Post edited October 13, 2013 by Vitek
Serena, Day ??

Oops, wrong way.

Turn sent
Mab, Day 54

Turn sent.
Gabriel, Day 55

We wait.

Ambir, Day 55

Just moving.

Turn sent.
Serena, Day 55

Ambir scout killed.

Turn sent
Mab, Day 55

Turn sent.
Gabriel, Day 56

Say goodbye to my little friend.

Ambir, Day 56

Not much happened.
Serena's fungus army killed my stalker and big army of Gabriel killed our wandering hero.
It annoyed us so we finally delivered the fungus and won the map. :-p

Turn sent.

Good game, everyone. I enjoyed it and the changed win condition and rules gave me chance for once. :-)

There wasn't much to show but I at least took screens of armies and winnings.

Catermune, can you tell us now where was your fungus? I kept track of Serena's and know that Mimo didn't even come near to it's location but I have no idea what were you doing.
winnings.jpg (376 Kb)
armies.jpg (365 Kb)
Good game.

Funny, I made the same mistake as I did in the beginning of Titan's choice. The teleporter was only going one direction, so I had to turn back.

Which path did you take, Vitek? I'm assuming you came from the south?
Ack, I'm so glad this game is over! I was about to send my Tower defenders to go kill Ambir and Mab as they had no defenders and I was so bored... Don't ever invite me to a scavenger hunt for your birthday or I'll slit my wrists. :)

Good job Vitek. You played a nice game of misdirection in the forum and in the game. Where was the Fungi supposed to be delivered? I was stalking the surface assuming you guys needed to bring it to Phobius. Guess I need to learn to read instructions.
I never came near the fungus at all. I had almost no troops left on the surface so I was massing troops to attack you all directly at your towers.
potato_head: Which path did you take, Vitek? I'm assuming you came from the south?
Nope. I went through center. Through underground and shadow world so Mimo had no chance of interecepting me on surface.
At the start I bet all on digging through underground. It was pianfully spent and I would get much further by land. It was mistake as those tuennels led nowhere and I lagged far behind Serena. I was also struck by some accidents and I got into horrible position. At one moment my big forward force of 8 units was reduced to backup hero, chaos lord and draconian Elder. I even lost airship to one infamous Fire Bug Queen which spawned after Serena reached Fungus location. I had to slowly crawl to fungus location and it was guarded by Serena and I couldn't get there without declaring war (or killing big army of independents including dark angel) on Serena but I wouldn't stand chance to Serena so I had to wait until she left to declare war. I sent my glorious flyer to support my army and I summoned fire elemental and chaos spawn in the meantime even if it meant to have around -25 mana loss per turn. Near fungi I purchased balloon for way back.
I set on the way back and wanted to go through south as I couldn't take the same route as Serena when she was stronger and ahead.
In the meantime I recruited some units in shadow land and went to center. I tried to go through shadow gate in center and found myself in center of underground with friendly stone golem, and ability to dig to any side, even east to location close to my fungus army. I waited with my balloon until my earth elemental and stone golem digged through and I quickly rushed through. I entered shadow land and moved toward teleporter to Phobius and ended last turn only few tiles from there.
So I didn't exactly have undefended wizard. In the last turn I had army of 11 or 12 units in shadow land and had money to recruit few more from recruiting site. :-)

Mimo: Ack, I'm so glad this game is over!
It is not nice of me but I was really happy to see you so clueless and struggling for once. :-)

I am sorry to both of you but this and murder of potato_head's army both amused me. I don't want to hurt you but it is always when it happens to someone else.
For those who don't know, potato_head lost core of his army - 2 strong heroes, Great Wyrm, Ice Dragon and I think one more strong unit(?) - to Fire Bug Queen and Fire Elemental. Elemental died on turn 1 and then the Fire Queen murdered whole p_h army herself. I think she had at most 5 HP when p_h had both heroes left and yet she survived with 2 HP. I then finished her with one attack just for fun. :-)

Mimo: Good job Vitek. You played a nice game of misdirection in the forum and in the game. Where was the Fungi supposed to be delivered? I was stalking the surface assuming you guys needed to bring it to Phobius. Guess I need to learn to read instructions.
Heh, I enjoyed the forum part of game (and in-game messages) almost more than game itself. I was trying to rally everyone against Serena while I was "pretending" to be little worthless insect.
If potato_head would declare on me and killed my little army, I would have no chance of winning anymore.

Yup it was necessary to deliver it to Phobius, I got victory screen as I was 1 or 2 tiles from his town.

catermune: I never came near the fungus at all. I had almost no troops left on the surface so I was massing troops to attack you all directly at your towers.
Oh, so your fungi was just badly located. I thought you have it because some seeing waters allowed me to see fungi in their storage in shadow land and only mimo's was visible. I didn't want to bring attention to it much as I wasn't sure if you see it too and I felt unwise to point you there t see that mine is gone too. :-)
Vitek: text
Oh right, of course, the middle of the map in shadow land lead somewhere. I couldn't leave my position because Mab and Gabriel kept harassing me. I was afraid I would get killed any day.

It was a big mistake to not declare war on Ambir by me when I had the chance then. When you went for the Funghi I could just turn back, declare war, then kill the strongest units you had, but I was too nice.

Yes, the attack from the Bug Queen was shocking. I had looked at its stats and concluded that there was no way it would beat my units. Apparently I was wrong, and very unlucky. My next mistake was to waste a week or more in the shadowland to go to the teleporter I came from (the one that was broken before but that I repaired).

In the beginning of the game, I think my tactic worked pretty well. I saw a bunch of gold all around the map and many recruitment sites, and figured I would produce lots of scouts to collect them. The gold on the ground would pay for those troops, but income was also important. My war with Mimo really hurt, and forced me to use my strong exploration units to go to the underground and pick up more gold and income.

One thing that I wanted to do was tunnel through to a ruined tower city and repair it, but Independents killed my diggers and then Mimo kept hanging around there, so I had to abandon that plan. No one took the town in the end.