gbaz69: You fail to understand that gog prides its self on "drm-free" and that is the big pull/moto and is gogs last positive selling point for most of us.
It is not "drm-free single player only" advertisement.
And understanding as much, this games page needs to be changed from this:
"Modes: Single-player - Multi-player"
to this:
"Modes: Single-player"
Then it will be ok.
Now if a future patch would enable direct ip and lan multiplayer, this entire subject could be dropped, as having the option to choose drm-multiplayer or drm-free-multiplayer from within the game menu is what it should of had all along.
Minimum system requirements: ... "open internet connection for online multiplayer"... this is so oxymoron, every online multiplayer game in exsistence needs an open internet connection.
No where does it mention its required to sign into their site/account/tracker stuff.
Yes yes, the site can keep your stats like win/loss ratio and such, or some other unneeded service, but it should be an alternative to drm-free-multiplayer IF such people want it.

Senteria: Well perhaps with galaxy client, no need to sign up anymore, unless you refuse to use galaxy client.
But seriously. You are that upset about an account creation? It takes 30 seconds and you're done.
Galaxy thats another kind of breed, thats GOGS online gaming isnt it?
well that should be safe to use
Truly gamer-friendly, DRM-free,
online gaming platform.
I saw the movie and i like the movie very much :D
I dont play online other then browsergames, but if i i had to i would be using the galaxy from GOG.
i just watched the video again its nice, has a nice voice over aswell, perfectly suiting the video.
the part telling that you still need a 3rd party client if you play with other providers online.
This is a very good way to show the users that theres way to much DRM messing up, like
stardock dot com ,
with the game: Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes and more of their game :D
Its on steam and it was 10 bucks at offer on GG , so okay i wanted to try it cause i cant find demo,
the after installing in the steam machine, the message of stardock pops up asking to create an account, ofcourse i first checked the policy and then i saw what info these dudes collect....
no way, thats way to draconian to go...
more users dont seem too like the draconian way of DRM that stardock uses
Just google , take some time to filter out the nices ones, read it and .... prepare to be amazed