Posted October 04, 2019
Bookwyrm627: An easy test: make a quick test map with one cave for each item you have, then add one more cave.
The test is a success! Arnuz: I thought that the empty ruins were intentional to make the map look like an abandoned place at first! I found that to build atmosphere......Then I saw all the halfling towns ^_^'
Yeah, I am trying in my currently under-development map to have a bigger distinction between different areas. Instead of having ruins and cities next to each other all mixed in, for example. I used to really dislike superheroes because I thought they were overpowered and unkillable. But because of autocombat, and because archers tend to get spammed in these games, even the strongest heroes can be killed.
A 10 DEF hero that can kill one archer per turn really struggles in autocombat against a large stack of archers, or worse - ballistas. AoW1 has a 'critical hit' mechanic, where rolling a 10 on the to-hit means you do full damage instead of rolling damage. The particular way it works is that if you have a 70% chance an enemy - like a swordsman attacking another swordsman - then 1/7 of your hits that land do full damage automatically. But if you only have a 10% chance to hit an enemy, like an archer firing at a 10 DEF hero, then all of your attacks that land do full damage automatically.
If a maxed-out hero attacks a stack of 8 archers, then on the first round 16 arrows are shot at them, then 14, then 12, then 10 - it adds up to 72 arrows. That's 2 damage per arrow, and about 7 will hit - that's 14 damage. If it was 9 archers then it's 90 arrows, or 18 damage. Generally enough to kill even a hero that's got enough levels to increase their HP.
And if a hero doesn't have the relevant immunity or ranged attack, they can be killed by a single flyer with a ranged attack.
So yes, I do like super-heroes now.