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southern: Blah, blah, blah
My game loading bar is getting stuck halfway. Could you resend the game file to see if that unsticks it?

No luck with the resent game file.

I'm going to try opening it on a different computer later today.
Post edited December 06, 2020 by Mimo
No luck on a second computer either. Can't load this game file at all.

Any suggestions?
southern: Southern was here
Did you just resend via your email account or from the email wrapper system?
Post edited December 06, 2020 by Mimo
Mimo: No luck on a second computer either. Can't load this game file at all.

Any suggestions?
southern: Southern was here
Mimo: Did you just resend via your email account or from the email wrapper system?
Via the wrapper. I guess I need to replay the turn?
southern: Via the wrapper. I guess I need to replay the turn?
Worth a try...
I replayed and resent, still not working though (tired loading into the next turn myself)
southern: I replayed and resent, still not working though (tired loading into the next turn myself)
Yep, locks up / freezes during the loading screen for me still.

Well, that sucks. Game was just about to get interesting with most of us running out of easy exploration / expansion areas.
goggogaowsm: Nomads - Gogs
Archons - Southern
Tigrans - Mimo
Goblins - ThreeKings
We're stuck with a unopenable game file. So this game is officially dead. :(
threekings: I'll play in a game..
Ha, that's what you thought! :(
Post edited December 09, 2020 by Mimo
aww damn! You don't think if we all go back a turn there's a chance it would get through?
goggogaowsm: aww damn! You don't think if we all go back a turn there's a chance it would get through?
I'm, fine with that
goggogaowsm: aww damn! You don't think if we all go back a turn there's a chance it would get through?
southern: I'm, fine with that
We can try! Who should replay first? Me?
Sand Vipers, Day 22 Again

We try different actions today. Hopefully we see the morrow.

Turn redone.. and sent.. not as good outcomes.. but we are still alive.
goggogaowsm: aww damn! You don't think if we all go back a turn there's a chance it would get through?
Is it your (re) turn?

BTW I think I may've caused the crash by having a different mod active instead of MPE 2.0
However, it was just the new UPatch, which is supposed to only be adding units, so I don't know why it would crash.
sorry I have this one and gathering of magic, will get to it soon, I won't forget!
southern: BTW I think I may've caused the crash by blah blah blah
Maybe you will receive a coal shipment in two days, maybe you will receive nothing.