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We have a Windows 10 machine using an AMD A8-7670k processor with Radeon R7 graphics built in to the cpu.

As a monitor, we are still using a CRT monitor, which I believe is what this game was originally designed to run on.

The game runs just fine on a Windows 7 PC with newer wide screen LCD monitor. However, when running it on the system with an older CRT monitor, it seems that part of the screen extends off to the right and left where we can't see it.

This means that several of the on screen control buttons are off to the right side where you can't see or click on them. It also means that one of my kids can play it, while the other one is upset about not being able to play it.

I have attempted to run AOW 1 in various compatibility modes to see if that might fix the issue, but it has not.

I have also tried changing the settings for running it full screen, windowed and minimized, hoping that it might cause the game screen to show up smaller than the displayed edges of the CRT, but that also has not seemed to fix the problem.

I realize that not too many folks still have CRT monitors, but I see no reason to throw it in a landfill when it works. I'm wondering if GOG might have updated the game to work well on the widescreen monitors, but at the same time this might have caused the issues that we are experiencing.

Thanks for any help!
I don't know of any direct fix.

However, you can use hotkeys instead of the ''next unit'' and ''end turn'' buttons.
N or '.' Select next unit/army
PGUP Map level up
PGDN Map level down

If you also don't have unit abilities or the minimap on screen, you can manually drag those parts of the UI out towards the middle of the screen, if you can at least reach their border (which with trial and error should be possible even without seeing the cursor or its target onscreen)
Post edited June 23, 2018 by southern
dilby2: We have a Windows 10 machine using an AMD A8-7670k processor with Radeon R7 graphics built in to the cpu.

As a monitor, we are still using a CRT monitor, which I believe is what this game was originally designed to run on.

The game runs just fine on a Windows 7 PC with newer wide screen LCD monitor. However, when running it on the system with an older CRT monitor, it seems that part of the screen extends off to the right and left where we can't see it.

This means that several of the on screen control buttons are off to the right side where you can't see or click on them. It also means that one of my kids can play it, while the other one is upset about not being able to play it.

I have attempted to run AOW 1 in various compatibility modes to see if that might fix the issue, but it has not.

I have also tried changing the settings for running it full screen, windowed and minimized, hoping that it might cause the game screen to show up smaller than the displayed edges of the CRT, but that also has not seemed to fix the problem.

I realize that not too many folks still have CRT monitors, but I see no reason to throw it in a landfill when it works. I'm wondering if GOG might have updated the game to work well on the widescreen monitors, but at the same time this might have caused the issues that we are experiencing.

Thanks for any help!
You will need to enter the screen resolution menu in game. First press alt enter to run it in a windowed screen. Next press the menu icon in the bottom left of the ui and select display. You will need to test a few of the options to ensure the width to heighth ratio matches your crt monitor. If nothing else 600x800 should do the trick. The monitor isn't the issue here but if you are experiencing a similar off screen mishap with your Windows desktop it may be a driver issue.

I hope that helps