garvanell: Edit: Hang on, I just noticed I am being unfair. If you're developing something small and want it to have internet multiplayer it of course can make perfect sense to just focus on that without making a LAN option (which would appliy to this game but not to blizzard, to stay at that comparison).
If you're developing something small it makes LESS sense to not have LAN.
By having server based multiplayer, that means the company must support and maintain those servers for the next X years. There is a business sense for a company like Blizzard, since they can drop the servers for Warcarft4 when they start selling Warcaft5.
But I don't see 16Bit Armies coming out anytime soon.
What Is even more appalling with 8Bit armies is the Development team have created games that have endured decades. They have seen multiplayer servers go and with them the games they where linked to.
If this was a fresh team and this was their first game, then it could be considered an over sight (yet they're still putting a millstone around their necks in supporting server).
But for a team of this pedigree, working independently and not fueling a franchised cash cow, it is unforgivable.
Heck Even when they where working for EA's cash machine it was unforgivable. I've not forgiven them for making Emperor require internet to play Local Co-op.
As I've said. Did these guys think they were going to make a game that no-one would want to play in 5,10 or 20 years time?