Posted April 24, 2016

* Your crash dump file does not have the same signature as other issues we're looking at. It seems to be an exception where other issues are "grouped together".
* Within the log files we received, the drivers are reporting that the graphics card is not responding correctly (and then there's some language about shaders that I won't pretend to understand).
* The fact that the game is working properly, then dies about 10 minutes in may suggest a heat problem of some kind.
So, after looking at it, he explained it as a "Graphics Card Freak-Out" - not the most technical term, but maybe applicable here. So, this is what we're going to suggest...
1. Switch from Vsync off to Vsync on in advanced graphic settings. Your card won't work as hard and might stay cooler.
2. Maybe set graphic detail setting lower to see if it has an impact at all.
You might want to run a stress test on your vidcard just to see if it stands up. These are our best guesses at the moment, but he said he is going to watch for any other occurrences of this from other players - it's too early to say that it isn't our problem and that it's just really rare at the moment.
Please let us know what happens after you try the above, even if it's just to test.

I have tried Vsync on / off with completly low details => game gets freezed after ~10-15 minutes...
It does no matter, whether singleplayer or multiplayer... The behaviour is still the same :-\.
And meanwhile i think that all the other players in the multiplaymode hate me because of my freezing stiuation...
I have also performed a GPU stresstest with the Benchmark "FurMark OpenGL Benchmark"
runtime: 15 minutes
avg fps: 45
max temperature: 70C / 158F
result: everything's running smooth - therefore my vidcard is fine in my opinion
And as i said before, the problems have started after the new patch.
My system specs should match the game requirements:
CPU: Core i5-4590 @ 3,3GHz
GPU: Geforce 960GTX
We will continue to investigate on this side. The fact that it only happens with the latest patch is a good lead for us to try and track down.