Posted May 17, 2016
Great game looking forward to new factions.
Nuclear missile landing time needs to be increased by 2 seconds. There is not enough time to get your army out the of way.
Nuclear missile needs to cause friendly fire damage. This will actually cause the player to think twice about nuke spamming their own base.
There should be a way to create an additional base (expansion) in this game. Adding the ability to create one more HQ would allow a player to create an additional base and make refineries closer to oil fields. This will also add depth to the game-play. As of right now this game is sorely lacking in depth. Also, there needs to be a way to create turret choke points without having to leap frog buildings across the map. Creating an expensive mobile unit that would deploy into a fixed structure would be a good idea.
More notifications for base and units being under attack. Mini map should flash. As of right now there are virtually no notifications that you are being attacked.
Right clicking on a units build portrait should auto create that unit indefinitely. A player should not be penalized for not being able to click fast enough. This would greatly simplify the game allowing players to focus on tactics.
Commandos should be added to single and multiplayer. A unit cap of 12 max commandos would add a great depth of tactical play to the game. This would allow trying to sneak in 12 commandos to an enemy base via drops.
Missile turrets should do less damage against helicopters or one of the helicopters should be resistant to missile damage.
Great game please keep up with the updates thank you very much!!!
Nuclear missile landing time needs to be increased by 2 seconds. There is not enough time to get your army out the of way.
Nuclear missile needs to cause friendly fire damage. This will actually cause the player to think twice about nuke spamming their own base.
There should be a way to create an additional base (expansion) in this game. Adding the ability to create one more HQ would allow a player to create an additional base and make refineries closer to oil fields. This will also add depth to the game-play. As of right now this game is sorely lacking in depth. Also, there needs to be a way to create turret choke points without having to leap frog buildings across the map. Creating an expensive mobile unit that would deploy into a fixed structure would be a good idea.
More notifications for base and units being under attack. Mini map should flash. As of right now there are virtually no notifications that you are being attacked.
Right clicking on a units build portrait should auto create that unit indefinitely. A player should not be penalized for not being able to click fast enough. This would greatly simplify the game allowing players to focus on tactics.
Commandos should be added to single and multiplayer. A unit cap of 12 max commandos would add a great depth of tactical play to the game. This would allow trying to sneak in 12 commandos to an enemy base via drops.
Missile turrets should do less damage against helicopters or one of the helicopters should be resistant to missile damage.
Great game please keep up with the updates thank you very much!!!