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Mafwek: Sry dude, I like Lovecraft, but he was extremely racist even for his time.
Same thing with Heidegger
BreOl72: Since you apparently missed this sentence at your first reading, let me repeat it for you:

BreOl72: (though some of those we deem racist, have been that, ofc)
I did miss, but I didn't miss: "To me, it makes no sense to look back at people from earlier times, and then only apply our modern standards to them." I judged them by standards of their own time, which is arguably still our current time.
Speaking about Lovecraft :
Mafwek: Hey, I fit that description, thankfully I am no artist. However so does Lovecraft, and he made some of the best horror stories ever.
ᛞᚨᚱᚹᛟᚾᛞ: Lovecraft was also a raging racist, and I'm not sure that's the comparison you want to make. Why not Asimov, C. Clarke, or several other finer choices, who don't have baggage?
Asimov: Sexual harasser.
Clarke: Pedophile.

At least Lovecraft had mostly recanted his earlier views by the time he died, mostly thanks to what he'd learned over his life and the debates he had with people like Robert E. Howard.
ᛞᚨᚱᚹᛟᚾᛞ: Lovecraft was also a raging racist, and I'm not sure that's the comparison you want to make. Why not Asimov, C. Clarke, or several other finer choices, who don't have baggage?
andysheets1975: Asimov: Sexual harasser.
Clarke: Pedophile.

At least Lovecraft had mostly recanted his earlier views by the time he died, mostly thanks to what he'd learned over his life and the debates he had with people like Robert E. Howard.
I heard Clarke was allegedly gay, but being a pedophile is a serious allegation, do you have proof for it?
What a strangely mislabeled thread.
Post edited March 18, 2024 by Breja
andysheets1975: Asimov: Sexual harasser.
Clarke: Pedophile.

At least Lovecraft had mostly recanted his earlier views by the time he died, mostly thanks to what he'd learned over his life and the debates he had with people like Robert E. Howard.
Mafwek: I heard Clarke was allegedly gay, but being a pedophile is a serious allegation, do you have proof for it?
There is no official proof (I probably should have put a ? on that one). With Clarke, there's a lot of smoke, you could say. I recommend checking out Collative Learning's video/article on the topic. It's thorough and even-handed in considering things for and against Clarke.
Sarang: Or the ones who are talented can't get hired for one reason or another.

Europe and Asia largely always had better TV shows because they were one or two seasons and that was it. I largely cringe when KDrama's do a second season unless it is fake and Netflix is calling it a second season.
Mafwek: That may just be the case of grass being greener on the other side.

I don't think talent is the thing lacking in modern entertainment these days, it's skill and passion which is needed.
Naw having an open plot arc is pulling story out of your ass. That means it is more likely to be trash, I would say the same of any show creator outside of the US, Hollywood was just STUPID enough to overly rely on Golden Gooses for their prime time ratings. Maybe I should say unicorns. The semi-antidote to these were mini-series but they stopped doing them in the late 2000's or early 2010's. They may have cost more than expected but did have a reliable closed plot arc.
The only open plot arc shows are pseudo, like medical diagnosis and so on. Look at the older Hollywood classics like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits. Those had many seasons but all were self-contained "hour" shows and the medical diagnosis ones were mysteries solved within' an hour too. "House", "Burn Notice" and "Monk" all had that vibe.
I have read that it was going to be released on April 11 or April 12 2024. Has anyone seen it yet?
Watched the first episode last night since Amazon is making it available for free on their freevee channel thing. Not bad. Not bad at all. The whole season seems to have generally garnered positive reviews. Contemplating whether to pay for a month to be able to watch the rest.
thiagott: I have read that it was going to be released on April 11 or April 12 2024. Has anyone seen it yet?
It's already out as of day or two ago.
I watched the first episode on twitch yestrday too - many people were streaming it. I am not really a fan of the Fallout series, yet to play any of the games but the show was very solid. I am usually very sceptical when it comes to Amazon but at at least the first episode was done very well and now I want to watch it all...
I watched the first two episodes and found it a bit dull. The pacing is just sluggish, stiff action sequences, and most of the humor misfires. It looks nice, though. Props are straight out of the games. I don't think I'll continue with it.
Watched the first episode and it has promise, I would say the main negative about the first episode is that is heavily focused on world building so it's not a repeat view once you know the basics.
Haven't found the time yet, to watch it by myself, but my brother (a huge fan of "Fallout" since the first game) has already binged through it and found it great.
So - I'm looking forward to watch it on my own.
I binged the whole thing. I enjoyed it. It captures the feel of the series to me at least. There were definite nods to the games - hacking and the water chip for instance. There were also instances where they seemed to mess with Fallout canon a bit but they could be misdirections. It did leave a few questions on some things quite open with no clear answers this season.

All I know next season is gonna stomp over 1 particular game in the series and will undoubtedly piss some fans off.