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To be honest, I kinda forgot the name of the chapter, and all I can remember is the number. Anyway, I'm at the part of the game where you start off in some kinda pool filled with gas (I think?) and if you stand in it for too long, it'll kill you. After that, Dr. Killjoy recaps the previous events of the game, like when you come across NPCs, and he talks about the things you did with them (kill, assist, or just leave behind). Afterwards, waves of enemies come out and there's a small arsenal of weapons in the room; Two revolvers, three Skorpion submachine guns, two tommy guns, two sawed-off shotguns, two regular shotguns, some molotovs, shrapnel grenades and stun grenades. Problem is, I can never get past this part of the game because I run out of ammo and throwables as I inch closer to the end. I've even tried to use Torque's transformation to conserve ammo, but so far, it has not bore any fruit. I also had walkthroughs in mind, but that hasn't helped either because it seems like other players have better weapons than me which could only be obtained before the beginning of the 16th chapter.

I doubt anyone really plays this game because I've hardly ever heard anyone mention it, but if someone out there knows; Please, for the love of God, help me. I'm just stuck in an endless cycle of death and failure.

Note: I forgot to mark this here post as a question, so my apologies for that.
Post edited July 08, 2022 by andydoesnotexist