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I picked up sundered today on gog. I uninstalled the steam version. I wanted to install the gog version. Galaxy kept defaulting to install the gog version and no matter how I tried to force a view of my gog only library it wasn't showing it.

I finally got it to work, but galaxy should make things easier, not harder. I just prefer having the drm free copy instead of steam. I purchased both copies and galaxy shouldn't default to steam. I should be able to see both versions and choose the one I want to install.
Please send in a bug report.
Paratech2008: I picked up sundered today on gog. I uninstalled the steam version. I wanted to install the gog version. Galaxy kept defaulting to install the gog version and no matter how I tried to force a view of my gog only library it wasn't showing it.

I finally got it to work, but galaxy should make things easier, not harder. I just prefer having the drm free copy instead of steam. I purchased both copies and galaxy shouldn't default to steam. I should be able to see both versions and choose the one I want to install.
Same here. I have several games in both platforms.
GOG Galaxy 2.0 preffers (insists in) install(ing) Steam Versions instead of theirs.

Paratech2008: I should be able to see both versions and choose the one I want to install.
You can.
nato21: Same here. I have several games in both platforms.
GOG Galaxy 2.0 preffers (insists in) install(ing) Steam Versions instead of theirs.

You just need to choose the GOG version. See the attached image.
Post edited July 09, 2022 by my name is racynge catte