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So I was thinking today that many of my boxed PC games are missing the "space filling" inserts and as a result just have jewel cases bouncing around inside the over-sized boxes. If I were to buy a game online, I would do everything I could to ensure that these inserts were included. However, since many were acquired rather impromptu due to being a "too good to pass up" deal (such as hexen, heretic, descent, and the original dark forces at goodwill for a dollar apiece recently), I had to yield a little bit on my only with inserts rule. Does anyone here have any ideas or suggestions on retrofitting these boxes with some type of homemade insert to snug the box back up? I don't care at all about making it look like the original insert and in most cases I have no idea what the original one looked like anyway. Just thought there might be some genius DIYers or original packaging / physical copy die hards that would pass down their wisdom.
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DarknessConcept: Does anyone here have any ideas or suggestions on retrofitting these boxes with some type of homemade insert to snug the box back up? I don't care at all about making it look like the original insert and in most cases I have no idea what the original one looked like anyway. Just thought there might be some genius DIYers or original packaging / physical copy die hards that would pass down their wisdom.
Wouldn't some kind of packing foam (like this) do the trick? Buy a big enough piece, then cut it to required size for the box, then add places for the jewel case or whatever else is included in the box. Light enough to not make that big of a difference, and should also protect the items from too much jostling.
Pretty good idea JMich. Reminded me of those little foam blocks in the bottom of NES game boxes.