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i actually dont understand.I thought all companies want to make money. Wouldnt it make sense to make as many games available via as many channels as available to get as many customers as possible?
oh man swat 4 would be awesome , maybe someone should contact them and ask about it
I'm aware of this article, but I heard from someone else that there was something more specific.
Swat 4 needs some love. I tried playing it recently and it was not as good as I remember. But that was down to the controls and stupid as fuck AI. Though the level design is awesome.
PimPamPet: "You're in my spot sir."
Motherfucker, I will punch you in the SOUL!

Also, have you seen this?
Post edited October 04, 2015 by Breja
PimPamPet: "You're in my spot sir."
Breja: Motherfucker, I will punch you in the SOUL!

Also, have you seen this?
Yes and he also hated Avengers 2 aswell as I do.

Also he makes a video about Anti Paladins and he did not mention the fuckin LICH KING!?
Niggles: i actually dont understand.I thought all companies want to make money. Wouldnt it make sense to make as many games available via as many channels as available to get as many customers as possible?
Hold on a sec. Are you suggesting we bring logic to the machinations of big businesses? *mind blown* =P
Yeah, this is less a case of "legal issues" and more "Activision doesn't want to release more stuff on GOG, and GOG doesn't want to pursue more stuff from Activision.
I remember Swat 4 quite fondly, but kinda frustrating I seem to remember. In my opinion, Arma 2 was better. And that one is actually available to buy.

This thread and the Activision birthday thread is making me a little annoyed at Activision. "Naa, we'd rather not make games available to gamers, so piss off" kinda thing.
bad_fur_day1: I remember Swat 4 quite fondly, but kinda frustrating I seem to remember. In my opinion, Arma 2 was better. And that one is actually available to buy.

This thread and the Activision birthday thread is making me a little annoyed at Activision. "Naa, we'd rather not make games available to gamers, so piss off" kinda thing.
Remember when Arma 2 used to be here...the everyone complained about Bohemia being Steam lovers :(
bad_fur_day1: I remember Swat 4 quite fondly, but kinda frustrating I seem to remember. In my opinion, Arma 2 was better. And that one is actually available to buy.

This thread and the Activision birthday thread is making me a little annoyed at Activision. "Naa, we'd rather not make games available to gamers, so piss off" kinda thing.
Elmofongo: Remember when Arma 2 used to be here...the everyone complained about Bohemia being Steam lovers :(
Oh that sounds like the originality we get here haha.
Elmofongo: Remember when Arma 2 used to be here...the everyone complained about Bohemia being Steam lovers :(
darthspudius: Oh that sounds like the originality we get here haha.
OK that's not how it happened but Arma 2 and other bohemia titles were removed because of Gamespy's shut down which was the only way for GOG users to play Arma 2 Online Multiplayer. So Bohemia does not want to support a game on a distribution platform lacking in Online gaming capabilities.

But I remember reading comments here derieding Bohemia saying they are obviously in bed with Steam because of Arma 3's Steam Exclusivity.

Funny despite Arma 3's release they are still supporting Arma 2.
Post edited October 06, 2015 by Elmofongo
darthspudius: Oh that sounds like the originality we get here haha.
Elmofongo: OK that's not how it happened but Arma 2 and other bohemia titles were removed because of Gamespy's shut down which was the only way for GOG users to play Arma 2 Online Multiplayer. So Bohemia does not want to support a game on a distribution platform lacking in Online gaming capabilities.

Funny despite Arma 3's release they are still supporting Arma 2.
Arma 2 is a good game. I played a fair bit on Steam. Well worth the hassle.
Elmofongo: OK that's not how it happened but Arma 2 and other bohemia titles were removed because of Gamespy's shut down which was the only way for GOG users to play Arma 2 Online Multiplayer. So Bohemia does not want to support a game on a distribution platform lacking in Online gaming capabilities.

Funny despite Arma 3's release they are still supporting Arma 2.
darthspudius: Arma 2 is a good game. I played a fair bit on Steam. Well worth the hassle.
I'm one of the few that still owns the GOG version. (Still have the installer in my GOG folder)
darthspudius: Arma 2 is a good game. I played a fair bit on Steam. Well worth the hassle.
Elmofongo: I'm one of the few that still owns the GOG version. (Still have the installer in my GOG folder)
did it have any good extras?