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high rated
Hey everyone!

I’ve recently joined the Comms Team as a Junior Community Management Specialist so it felt only natural to introduce myself here as well. I’m still learning the ropes, so it will take me some time to figure out what’s what, but I’m super happy to be joining the GOG community!

Video games have always been a huge part of my life. Some of my favourite titles include The Witcher, Little Nightmares, Life Is Strange, Animal Crossing, Outer Wilds… I’m bad at picking favourites, there’s just too many great games out there!

In my spare time I like to dabble in photography (both IRL & virtual one) and music production/sound design. I also love cats!

Some of you may recognise me from CDPR’s discord servers since I’ve been working as a Community Moderator for quite some time now, but to others who don’t: great to meet you, I hope we can get along! :)
Hey there, lovely to have you here!
Enebias: Hello there!

Quick shot question: favourite videogame from the '90s?
Full disclosure, I haven't played many games from the '90s, but if I were to pick one I'd say Earthbound - such a fun game!
NuffCatnip: Hey there!

Another cat person, eh? Bah, dogs rule. :P
I kid, I kid.

What kind/genre of music to you produce?
Dogs are great too! I just don't like having drool everywhere lol

As for music, mostly electronic/industrial stuff, but my inspirations' range covers a whole lotta ground when it comes to genres. Anything from pop & alt rock, through industrial metal, techno & rap, to classical music and ambient. :)
Sachys: What is it with clowns and CMs at the minute?! O___o

Anyway, welcome. Please dont throw custard pies in the corridors.
I only eat pies. I throw water balloons and iron anvils. >:)
Post edited July 11, 2022 by Clownski_
Clownski_: Full disclosure, I haven't played many games from the '90s, but if I were to pick one I'd say Earthbound - such a fun game!
Enebias: Well, it's GOG! You're bound to find many great old games eventually! :)

(Or else...)
I'm already eyeing Blade Runner! I love the movie and somehow never knew the game existed before it appeared on GOG (been some time but haven't had much of it to play lately :P).

Thank you for the warm welcome everyone! <3
Clownski_: Full disclosure, I haven't played many games from the '90s, but if I were to pick one I'd say Earthbound - such a fun game!
dtgreene: Have you played Undertale, which is in part inspired by Earthbound?
I picked it up long ago (before I had even heard of Mother series) but wasn't a fan back then. Maybe I should give it another try though, now that my tastes have changed...