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The excitement here for this new GWENT game is overwhelming...
gogtrial34987: Sadly Windows only. I'll be interested in the first reports of how it plays under wine.
I just tested it, played through the start of the tutorial, it all works perfectly, happily. Looks really nice, I'm looking forward to playing more when I'm not at work ;)
low rated
nightcraw1er.488: “ While it does feature some online-only features such as leaderboards and cross-save progression, the overall experience is built for offline, single-player use.”, they still can’t understand the whole offline part can they. Hard pass.
Gersen: How exactly do you do an "offline" leaderboard ? everybody has to manually copy their score in a shared google sheets ?
Who exactly cares about online leaderboards other than those who play online only anyways? If the only purpose of the game is to show off to others, why bother making it offline?
Gersen: How exactly do you do an "offline" leaderboard ? everybody has to manually copy their score in a shared google sheets ?
nightcraw1er.488: Who exactly cares about online leaderboards other than those who play online only anyways? If the only purpose of the game is to show off to others, why bother making it offline?
What is your problem again? First you bash game because it has online functionalities, then, when pointed that it's completely optional and playable offline, you bitch again because it's apparently "pointless to play without that so why even bother" (which no one ever said other than you).
nightcraw1er.488: Who exactly cares about online leaderboards other than those who play online only anyways?
Apparently you as you were complaining about it.
low rated
nightcraw1er.488: Who exactly cares about online leaderboards other than those who play online only anyways?
Gersen: Apparently you as you were complaining about it.
Only complaining about pushing it as an offline game when it has “optional” online bits, oh and the usual look have some free tries at our gambling system.