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Dear Fans of Adventure Games / Fellow Adventurers,

Here's the second look at my project. It's a tremendous undertaking, and I've assembled a dynamic cast and crew throughout the process. I look forward to sharing more and more with you.

Too often, when you think of an adventure game, you have to think of the past. I want to think ahead and be excited. I want the adventure game to live in the NOW again. I believe the genre never reached its full glorious potential, and we need someone to pilot it to the heights it can reach. We deserve more than just nostalgia. We need the adventure game to LIVE again. I say this while keeping in mind the consistent voices of frustration, longing, false hope, dissatisfaction, slight satisfaction, mixed satisfaction, and defeat from a vocal majority of fans of classic games.

If you're a fan of adventure games, you have a friend in me. I don't know how these early previews will come across to you, and there's a lot to be revealed, but know that this game is a very reassuring step in the direction of what people like us have been missing. With this game, and as my company grows, you will see and experience the endless potential of adventure.

I want to thank you for doing what you can to get the work of this team into the minds of those who can appreciate us most. This is an epic first project coming out of a small, determined production company, and everyone involved appreciates your support.

As your friend and fellow adventurer, I will rescue the adventure game for the truer fans of its golden age. And I won't be alone on this quest.

Give me keys to locked doors. Hand me a map, a trinket, or a treasure chest.

I'll take you with me.


That's nice. Don't you think you should provide us with a link or something? Anything really? So that we can have some idea what you're talking about?

Also, I really don't think adventure games need to be rescued, they're doing mighty fine these days. I think the "consistent voices of frustration, longing, false hope, dissatisfaction, slight satisfaction, mixed satisfaction, and defeat" might just be you hearing voices. Not a good sign.

However, I wish you luck with your project. Whatever it might be.
Breja: That's nice. Don't you think you should provide us with a link or something? Anything really? So that we can have some idea what you're talking about?
Probably a bit hard to provide links when the rep is below 10 ;)
Breja: That's nice. Don't you think you should provide us with a link or something? Anything really? So that we can have some idea what you're talking about?
Prah: Probably a bit hard to provide links when the rep is below 10 ;)
Fair enough. Still, some detail might me nice. I mean this is what a google search of "Adventuresome Studios" gave me. Yipee, truly with that black & white picture of two LARPing dudes advenutre games are saved from the limbo of highly succesfull productions from Daedalic, Telltale and Wadjet Eye.
227: Psh, amateur. Real pros google an entire paragraph to find other places where OP has posted the same thing verbatim. That way we stumble upon the life-changing first and second preview videos. There's blur! A panning camera as the frame rate hits 3 FPS! A bunch of voices that sound like people having an argument in an adjacent cave!

(So this is spam, but vaguely-amusing spam.)
You forgot to mention crappy sketches!

Still, it's curious that the apparent spammer has joined GOG back in 2012, and not... well, right now. And what is that spam and shitty videos supposed to lead to? I mean, say what you will about Nigerian Prince, man, but at least it's a proper scam.

We need to call inspector TinyE of the Yard to solve this mystery!
Post edited October 10, 2015 by Breja
PrinceAlex: Too often, when you think of an adventure game, you have to think of the past. I want to think ahead and be excited. I want the adventure game to live in the NOW again. I believe the genre never reached its full glorious potential, and we need someone to pilot it to the heights it can reach. We deserve more than just nostalgia. We need the adventure game to LIVE again. I say this while keeping in mind the consistent voices of frustration, longing, false hope, dissatisfaction, slight satisfaction, mixed satisfaction, and defeat from a vocal majority of fans of classic games.
I agree with everything in this paragraph, especially the part about the adventure game genre not having reached its full potential. I've had a love & hate relationship with adventure games for 25+ years. The same problems that plagued adventures of the past are still inherent in the best adventures of today. For example trial & error dialogue "puzzles", puzzles that are accidentally overclued and sort of self-spoiler themselves preemptively, lack of interactivity with the environment, lazy 3x3 sliding block puzzles and Konsorten, get the key from other room via same old trick etc.

Some things got better though, especially regarding dead ends, pixelhunting and completely illogical or insufficiently clued puzzles (a bigger problem than overclued puzzles).
Thanks to indie developers, I've played quite a number of highly enjoyable adventure games in recent times. Before Wadjet Eye & Co., the choice was between replaying oldies via ScummVM or playing free AGS adventures like 5 Days a Stranger etc. This year, I was particularly impressed by Technobabylon, Fran Bow and Stasis so I can't complain about a shortage of high quality point & click adventure games. None of these games are reinventing the wheel gameplay wise but that's not their aim, they are unapologetically traditional and that's perfectly fine.
Nevertheless, I feel there's a lot of untapped potential for the classic non action oriented adventure game genre to unlock. In terms of story and presentation there are rich offerings (e.g. Primordia) but I have yet to see an adventure game that offers truly innovative gameplay where I'm so blown away that I would have to say "wow I've never played anything like this, it feels like a completely new experience!"
The problem with adventure games is that they're quite static and the enjoyment can easily die down whenever you're stuck because the whole game environment is "waiting" for you to make that one exact move in precisely one spot with precisely the right action/object.
PrinceAlex: As your friend and fellow adventurer, I will rescue the adventure game for the truer fans of its golden age. And I won't be alone on this quest.

Give me keys to locked doors. Hand me a map, a trinket, or a treasure chest.

I'll take you with me.


A tall order to fill. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt out of courtesy but before I hand you anything more than that, hand me an alpha demo or something that is more than words.
Breja: Still, it's curious that the apparent spammer has joined GOG back in 2012, and not... well, right now.
I'm thinking OP joined here years ago to buy some games, but never really participated in the forum until they decided to make a game of their own and needed to hype it. Their only other participation I've found in these forums is this thread here, which is also spam.

Hopefully I'm not coming across as too disparaging or vicious; I like to read through the threads where devs show up and talk about their games (we have a few people who make games who post fairly regularly here), but this isn't a "let's have a discussion about my game" kind of topic so much as a "press release in your face now suck on it" topic.
227: I'm thinking OP joined here years ago to buy some games, but never really participated in the forum until they decided to make a game of their own and needed to hype it. Their only other participation I've found in these forums is this thread here, which is also spam.

Hopefully I'm not coming across as too disparaging or vicious; I like to read through the threads where devs show up and talk about their games (we have a few people who make games who post fairly regularly here), but this isn't a "let's have a discussion about my game" kind of topic so much as a "press release in your face now suck on it" topic.
Seeing how in almost a year there was apparently no progress made whatsoever on his... whatever it is, I'd say a somewhat disparaging attitude is justified.
What a strange thread.
This time on TALES FROM GOG!

A man claims to be able to resurrect the shambling corpse of adventure games!
CHILL as they walk to the graveyard!
SHAKE as our heroes pass by the bloated corpses of other failed attempts!
SEIZURE whence the black rite of necromancy begins upon adventure games, maggots still crawling through its eye-sockets!
VIBRATE as the entire thing turns into an episode of Scooby-Doo! (please do not sue us)
GAIN MASS before the ripping of the mask!
EXPLODE at the grand finale, when our heroes discover it was all a plot by their dog, for some reason named Clem!