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snowkatt: the hell does nwo stand for ?
NWO is just a reference to one of the best British pop band:
New Order - True Faith

Those /pol/ guys just added the letter W (as in "world") because they were bored and wanted to confuse you.
Maybe its a generation thing. gog, at least initially; and I guess even now; tends to attract older gamers. Younger ppl, those that grow up in the age of information overflow tend to filter better into "do not waste my time with" and "I care" as a kind of mind-self-protection (a reason whlile they appear lethargic and non-caring for what feels like 90% of the time) while the elderly tend to be of the "knowledge is power" sponges that inevitable go mad by it all and prepare the way for our lord and saviour Cthulhu.
Lord_Kane: I have seen gog pop up on /pol/ a few times due to the site name, as many religious conspiracy theorists see it as a NWO training forum or something, most fuck off when they see its a game retailer but some insist that is a cover, I could share some of what I have said about GOG but only if you want too.
snowkatt: the hell does nwo stand for ?

..and now im waiting for tinyP to post a picture of hollywood hulk hogan
New World Order

A conspiracy theory that the "old" and thus "good" order will be swept away by the illuminati/jews/whoever to destroy all that is good in the world.
Emob78: Do some research, verify, and determine for yourself what the truth is.
I would also add to listen to opposing opinions, listen to their reasoning very attentively and look very carefully at the evidence and sources they give to you. Then form your own opinion.

But I have to admit that this is easier said than done. Why? Just ponder following example:
A neighbour you hate because he always listens to loud music in the night, his dog always shits in your garden and even back in school he bullied you, has a certain opinion about a topic. He supports his opinion with hard scientific facts, irrefutable evidence and logic reasoning.
On the other side there are your best friends. You know them since your childhood, you share every weekend your time with them and they always helped you when you were in trouble. But they have the opposite opinion of your shitty neighbour and the only proof they give for their opinion is that they're right and that people who think otherwise, are idiots.
Who do you go to belief?

Maybe the last question should rather be: Which side will you support?
Post edited September 12, 2016 by viperfdl
snowkatt: cats do
they manufacture the pills
I don't know what you are talking about.
snowkatt: cats do
they manufacture the pills
Grargar: I don't know what you are talking about.
course not ;p
Yes, but it is a ploy by the illuminati and the greys.
Lord_Kane: edit proof read again you dumb fuck.
Who are you editing at???

catpower1980: kangaroo DVD...
with a name such as 'catpower', I thought for sure your DVD would be absolutely about cats.. Are you not in leagues with Grargar?
Post edited September 12, 2016 by micktiegs_8
Lord_Kane: edit proof read again you dumb fuck.
micktiegs_8: Who are you editing at???

catpower1980: kangaroo DVD...
micktiegs_8: with a name such as 'catpower', I thought for sure your DVD would be absolutely about cats.. Are you not in leagues with Grargar?
Myself. I noticed I had some pretty nasty spelling and grammar errors that would have led to confusion.
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Lord_Kane
I think the forum is having a psychotic episode. So, you know, Monday.
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Breja
catpower1980: kangaroo DVD...
micktiegs_8: with a name such as 'catpower', I thought for sure your DVD would be absolutely about cats.. Are you not in leagues with Grargar?
Cats like me and Grargar are secretly taking control over Europe first then we'll take over the world because we've embedded some secret messages in all those kittens videos which are shared daily on Youtube and Facebook. When the right time will come, our message will be spread over the world.

We are Cats. We are Legion.

PS: as told in my DVD, the secret plan of the kangaroos is to exterminate the Aussie race. If you can't afford it then I'll take you on private skype session of 20 minutes for just 150$US and I'll tell you what you and the cats can do to preserve the Aussie race.
Post edited September 12, 2016 by catpower1980
micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
It's ok timmy sometimes things aren't what they seem and other times people just make stuff up to be cool, this can be distressing to the simple mind. Things like Saddam has chemical weapons or willy wonka wonka isn't real.

However video evidence proves that trump fuel can melt hillarys steel beams.
micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
Here's my working theory:

Most of the people who spend a lot of time on gaming forums tend to be some combination of unemployed, depressed, disabled, alcoholic, mentally disturbed, and overeducated. And then tend to spend hours every day on the same group of forums just looking for someone to interact with.

Why do I think this? Exhibit A: myself. I have some chronic health issues that go in and out of remission. I can track the time I spend on forums with the times I am in worst health, and in the most pain. At those times I tend to post more and be more stubborn, grumpy, short with people, and will dig my heels in and get insulting. Exibit B: the amount of people on all the gaming forums I visit that talk frankly about their unemployment, drunkeness, mental health problems, etc.

So, basically, you don't have the whole wide world of different types of people on the forum. You have a very narrow slice of humanity, usually not feeling their very best.

do I think everyone on the forum fits those descriptions? No, of course not. But I would put the percentage at least at 50%. no kidding. half of us on here at any time are probably doing pretty poorly.

That's a recipe for drawn out arguing, quick-draw internet research, insults, and one-upmanship. It also makes this place ripe for trolls, because who is easier to bait than a mentally unstable drunk unemployed person who has been up all night?

God bless us, every one.
micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
misteryo: Here's my working theory:

Most of the people who spend a lot of time on gaming forums tend to be some combination of unemployed, depressed, disabled, alcoholic, mentally disturbed, and overeducated. And then tend to spend hours every day on the same group of forums just looking for someone to interact with.

Why do I think this? Exhibit A: myself. I have some chronic health issues that go in and out of remission. I can track the time I spend on forums with the times I am in worst health, and in the most pain. At those times I tend to post more and be more stubborn, grumpy, short with people, and will dig my heels in and get insulting. Exibit B: the amount of people on all the gaming forums I visit that talk frankly about their unemployment, drunkeness, mental health problems, etc.

So, basically, you don't have the whole wide world of different types of people on the forum. You have a very narrow slice of humanity, usually not feeling their very best.

do I think everyone on the forum fits those descriptions? No, of course not. But I would put the percentage at least at 50%. no kidding. half of us on here at any time are probably doing pretty poorly.

That's a recipe for drawn out arguing, quick-draw internet research, insults, and one-upmanship. It also makes this place ripe for trolls, because who is easier to bait than a mentally unstable drunk unemployed person who has been up all night?

God bless us, every one.
I spend a fair amount of time here because I can't get a 'normal' job. I don't have mental health issues, and I'm not an alcoholic. I am studying in order to have a good job to be able to provide better than the average man for my family.

There, that's my everything rolled up into two lines. I fit a portion of the descriptions you set, but that's ok. :)
IMO they're people employed by the lizardmen to conceal their true plans and distract us with these false profits.