Sometimes you have a bad day, and sometimes you wake up and accidentally start the apocalypse. Meet Jack, a mischievous kid with a twisted family, his trusty slingshot, and endless bad luck. In this action-adventure, it’s up to you to stop the monstrous swarms at the end of the world, and make it ba...
Sometimes you have a bad day, and sometimes you wake up and accidentally start the apocalypse. Meet Jack, a mischievous kid with a twisted family, his trusty slingshot, and endless bad luck. In this action-adventure, it’s up to you to stop the monstrous swarms at the end of the world, and make it back to the dinner table in time.
Save the world, and keep the town together - It ain’t simple being the sole hero of a quiet town. As Single Valley begins to crumble, you’ll uncover the town’s hidden secrets along the way. What’s scarier - hidden family history, the strange truth of your neighbors, or an adventure game breaking down its fourth wall right on its GOG page?
Apocalyptic monsters have feelings too - The creatures you’ll encounter in Single Valley all have their own likes/dislikes to learn - if you take a moment to watch them scurry around and destroy things... You don’t always have to kill, you can play their behaviour against them and get inventive!
Hey, at least the end of the world creates some fun puzzles to solve! - The reality of Single Valley is breaking apart! To save us all, you’ll need to raft over poisonous rivers, take class at the Elementary School of Ghosts, clone yourself, and even navigate the perilous trials of earning your father’s approval.
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