It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Hi all, we're looking into it!

For all who experience this issue, would you mind sharing your PC specs with us?
- GPU driver version
- OS(if wasn't mentioned earlier)
FulVal: AMD Ryzen 5600G, Radeon 6700 XT, driver 24.5.1

Windows 11 23H2 22631.3737

with 60hz and 120hz of refresh i got 1 fps or 0 fps... it works fine only at 144hz (v-sync on/off change nothing about fps, same for integer scaling on/off)
For the refresh rate issue, do you have 'Presentation' in DirectX Settings set to: Fullscreen or Windowed?
high rated
AydanWatkins: Folks you can fix this bug with a quick hex edit. We shouldn't HAVE to do this, but, for now it's an option until they patch it...
We can confirm that this is indeed a solution to this issue! We've confirmed it in the game code and prepared a hotfix for all 4 language versions of the game. We'll push it live as soon as we can.

Thank you AydanWatkins! You saved us a lot of time on this one. We'll contact you to give you a little something for your help :)
king_kunat: We can confirm that this is indeed a solution to this issue! We've confirmed it in the game code and prepared a hotfix for all 4 language versions of the game. We'll push it live as soon as we can.

Thank you AydanWatkins! You saved us a lot of time on this one. We'll contact you to give you a little something for your help :)
RawSteelUT: Have you figured out what's causing the severe frame rate drops with some AMD cards? I get like seconds per frame with mine.

How the hell do I put my dxdiag here?
As FulVal mentioned, this fix should also help with the AMD frame rate drops. At least I think so, can't confirm with our technical magicians right now that are way smarter than me :P If it doesn't, we'll investigate further.
high rated
We're double-checking the hotfix with Capcom. We'll push it live when we have the greenlight :)
king_kunat: We're double-checking the hotfix with Capcom. We'll push it live when we have the greenlight :)
RawSteelUT: Any word on when we can Capcom's gonna get back to you guys?
Still waiting unfortunately :( Hopefully we can have it live tomorrow.
JoeKilledKenney: No update yet?
There is one, but not the one we wanted. We couldn't push hotfix today, but tomorrow should be the day. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for bearing with us on this one.
Hotfix is being pushed live, there's a sticky post here in the RE Forum about it. Thank you all!