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I agree with some of the point, but most are not pet peeve I have with "modern" games but with games in general.

The ones I agree with are (on top of the usual DLC and DRM ones) :

Dynamic cut-scenes : There are times where they are done "right" like for example at the beginning of the first MW, the "intro" of Skyrim or to a lesser extent the "king walk" of Witcher 2. But there are time I find them downright annoying and would have preferred a normal cut-scene.

One of the worst offender IMO is Half Life 2+ : Peoples are interacting to you, trying to have a conversation with you, but you, you are just standing there like a total moron not saying a word and often not even looking at them (which doesn't bother them at all). Personally I found that a lot more immersion killing than having a real cinematic with a talking player character.
Also the fact that a lot of those cinematic are un-skipable and often drags for too long isn't helping.

I also agree with his side-quest comments, it's seems to be a trend appearing more and more in some games recently is the obsession of quantity over quality when it comes to side quest, you have hundreds of them but 99.99% of them as so lame that they makes WoW's side quest look like LoTR level of epicness adventures. (YES Xenoblade and Kingdoms of Amalur I am talking about YOU!)
Post edited May 13, 2012 by Gersen
By the way, no one mentions the coloring filters used in many games today, though sometimes done right it is overdone in too many games nowadays.
The "everything looks white filter" from Assasin's Creed for instance.
I guess I don't even play modern games, half of the stuff mentioned in the video was quite new to me. :D

But if I did, I think I'd agree with the author on most points. RPG elements and scores in games don't really bug me, I guess they can be motivating and add extra fun for certain types of players, even though I don't necessarily need them if the rest is good already. Apart from that I could relate to his pet peeves to an extent.
My biggest pet peeve is with active battle system RPGs almost never having a block feature... It's more of a JRPG thing but games like dot hack and White Knight Chronicles do it and it's so stupid... If you're going to have an active fighting system we need a block option...
mrtophat101: I hope the Comic Sans in the title is a 'wink' to other pet peeves. :D
Seriously... it could only be better with bad kerning thrown in as well...

Maybe they could try Papyrus font next.
I actually don't mind dynamic cutscenes - unless its in a game without quicksaves and happens in a section where I keep dying...
Forced tutorials, and forced instructions that pop up during the screen during gameplay.

"Press x to jump" "Hit the box for a coin"

Yeah I already fucking figured that out when I pressed all the buttons right when I first started the game, and because I know how to play plat formers. I know how to play every genre of game. I don't need any more instructions ever unless it's a brand new type of game.

It's bad enough they make you look at that shit once, but then some games give you the pop up info throughout the entire game.


Now that I've watched the video, what I'm bitching about here is covered in "3. Hand Holding"

I hate so many things about most modern games.
Post edited May 13, 2012 by da187jimmbones
QTE [quick time events] is a lazy method thats catching up fast]
*remembers need for speed the run ea: "for the first time you will be able to get out of your cars"
reality qte crap detected do or die
The first one is not that bad, it could be done better but penalizing your vision/adding other fx for being close to death is actually good if its implemented as real gameplay. Motion blur is okay too, specially if they keep the option to turn it on/off. Hand holding is bullshit indeed. Dynamic cutscenes are okay so long as they are skippable. Defining "shitty" quests is somewhat hard, and in any way I'm more concerned about the number of them per game rather than in them being there or not.

DLC is not bad in concept (downloadable expansions), its just that publishers have replaced that original intent with "lets milk out clients and then shit them in the eye", and speaking about shitting in your client's face: DRM.

Experience points are really shoehorned badly into a lot of games, same goes for QTEs.
Off-topic: what are the first and the second games shown in that video? I am interested in them.
All of the stuff listed has been beaten to death and I found the material to be incredibly stale

video sucked
Post edited May 14, 2012 by CaptainGyro
--I don't like the blood (or poison or anything else) covering the screen either.
--Don't mind the occasional motion blur that lasts a micro second (as a "you've been hit" indicator perhaps) but other than that....dislike it. I want to see the action and pretty graphics, not fuzzy, blurry shapes.

--Not just "newer" games but I'm pretty tired of boss fights. It's a tired and lazy method of making act-end or game-end combat "difficult". Yet another boss who has 1000000 hit points that I must face while locked in some tiny arena-type room. Yawn. I don't think you could get rid of them entirely, but at least be more creative with them.
came here expecting video of other persons view point. Was not disappointed.
What I found hilarious about point 1 (I think I hadn't seen that in many games yet), is that half of the footage didn't look like the viewpoint of someone heavily injured but the viewpoint of a cameraman, with blooddrops clinging to the glass of the lense. That's kind of breaking the fourth wall. Should I actually identify with the player character or just view it as my puppet that I send to his/her/its death, while a camera is filming, like in the movie "Gamer"?
And I found hilarious dude's comment on that - "Is your character a tomato?" Hee. :)