zuhutay: This is how I imagine Gog could turn into a nightmare... and I hope things will not evolve this way, of course.
What I fear is that Gog's success could possibly make editors aware that they have underestimated the interest that players have for their oldies. In a word, Gog will remind them that lots of people around the world are still willing to pay some $$$ for their games.
As a conclusion:
- editors will stop tolerating abandonware and ask their games to be removed from abandonware websites, which will eventually lead abandonware to die
- editors will want to control the selling or non-selling of their old games, some will re-release their old games themselves and some will decide not to let anyone do so (for example, we all know how LucasArts preciously keeps its vintage games)
- Gog will be left with only games which editors no longer exist and hardly known crappy games
I think publishers will keep letting GoG do what they do. This way, it's less work for publishers.
Note to GoG: PLEASE don't ever go the way of Facebook and other types of services. AKA, changing the interface to make it "better." Those types of changes are always, always bad.