Weclock: then when you start steam without that program, have those games permanently removed from your account and have to pay for them again.
A-Pock: ultrasurf is a program that starts IE using a proxy located in the US, it's not a "hack" tool. All you do is buy a game on the actual steam website (not in the Steam app). I fail to see how "traveling to the US for a weekend and buying a few steam games while staying there" will make your games disappear.
Also, if I go to the steam website on my university all the prices show up in USD, will they also remove the games from my account if the buy a game at school? Doubt it..
It's pretty known that you can't proxy traffic going through the steam application, no one ever said you can't use a proxy on a web browser..
The problem is Steam region restricts games, so once you start up Steam in your actual region, it will know you are not in the US where you (supposedly) bought the game. If the game you bought was restricted from your region, you will lose it the moment you log into Steam.
cogadh: On that we can agree 100%. The last thing I want to happen to GOG is for it to become the discount bin of games that no one wanted in the first place. It is far more likely (IMO) that the quality of GOG's games will decline before the quality of the service does. Unfortunately, it is really up to what the publishers are willing to offer GOG, so if all they are willing to give GOG is crap, then all GOG will have is crap and I'm not sure there is much we can really do about that.
JudasIscariot: We can vote with our currency of choice and not buy the crap that does get offered...
True, but that could lead to GOG just going out of business from lack of sales. Instead of discouraging certain sales, how could we go about encouraging the sales of games we actually want?