Holy crap! That's two contests in a week! I must be getting the luck of the Weclock here. Thanks, GOG! :D
Shalgroth: I sent my answer in, but foolishly forgot to enter my username. *facepalm*
deoren: You have to do that? I figured they would just respond to the email address to let you know you won and ask what your username was.
I didn't put in my username either. I just used the same email address that I used to sign up with GOG. So, I'm pretty sure it's just like Iuliand said where they identify you by that email address.
iuliand: As stated before,
please also post the correct answer when announcing the winner.
I think I'm not the only one that would like to know if I got the right answer.
Ralackk: Seconded, It would be nice to know if I was even close in my guess.
And I'm actually curious how many other people got this as well. I only barely remembered it from when I played years ago and had to reinstall the game and go exploring with God mode on just to remind myself.
The sci-fi reference is from Babylon 5, an old, but really good TV series from the '90s. If you fully, and I do mean fully, explore the Dryad Forest, you should find a lift that takes you to some underground cave at the end of one the pathways. The first area you drop down in will have some large writing on the floor that says when read vertically, "If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die." Then in the next room, you'll see one of those ships from the planet Z'ha'dum, called Shadow vessels. And of course, if you get too close, you will die. Shoots out some purple laser beam that instantly kills your character. I feel sorry for those people that were playing hardcore characters when they discovered this.