Bolwerk: Congrats mate. Always nice to see your name in a published article isn't it. First time I saw mine published I was pretty stoked... Okay time for a shameless plug:
I write for Tech stuff, mainly AV and music related.
Check me out people... Any feedback is welcome.
Krankor: Hey, that's pretty cool!
I've just invested in a new hi-fi (so I'm still in geek mode and read some articles with interest).
Completely offtopic, but after a lot of listening and keeping the price around £1k, I finally went for the Arcam Solo mini with Muso speakers (have Arcam released that unit in Australia?).
I pondered a Linn Classik and at one point a Roksan Candy amp, but they weren't as 'Wife' friendly as the Arcam solo.
Not sure if Arcam have released that model here. If I can find out who the Arcam distributor here in Australia is, they'll be able to tell you (hi-fi dealers usually have no clue, even though they'll tell you they do - I work on the service side of the AV industry, it's frightening!) I'll check...
At least you got onto some decent brands/models though. Thank Christ you didn't just end up with a thousand quid worth of marantz or onkyo or rotel. Nothing wrong with those brands, but for that kind of money, there's better stuff out there... And wife friendly!!!