Interesting release, I certainly wasn't expecting to see Two Worlds on here anytime soon. For comments on the game, as others have mentioned one of the most memorable things is the voice acting is bad...
really bad; as in beyond "so bad it's good", although thankfully not quite yet to "Star Wars Christmas Special bad." Also, while some have compared the game to open-world RPGs like The Elder Scrolls and Gothic series, a much more apt comparison would be to open-world hack-and-slash games like Sacred. The story-telling and quest lines are very flimsy, pretty much nothing more than a pretext for running through various environments and killing lots of things. Basically, it's a big open world to run around in, kill things, and collect lots of loot. Some people will find this highly enjoyable, while for others it will get old pretty quick (I was personally in the latter category here). Just be sure you enjoy the combat mechanics for the game before you buy it, since if you don't you won't find much else redeeming about it.
MichaelFurlong: Hmmm, I am not really into These massive open RPGs ( I tend to get bored). However I have been meaning to give one a try, what should I go for:
Two worlds
Any others worth mentioning?
Risen, hands down. Although Morrowind is also a very good choice. Although Al1 does raise a good point in that Risen can end up being brutal if you're completely new to open-world RPGs (not quite as much as Gothic 2, but still pretty rough), so depending on how quickly you adapt to the genre it may or may not be a good choice to start with. On the other hand, if your normal problem with open-world RPGs is that you tend to get bored then Risen may actually be a good choice, as the pacing is quite good and it doesn't ever really slow down too much.