Weclock: 1. Steam as a client has more troubles than GOG
2. Pricing is retarded on steam
3. No extras on steam version
4. No feeling of being elite by helping someone out, Steam has been around for years and GOG is just starting out.
1. That's because it is a lot less selective about the games on their service. When you manage everything from Team Fortress 2 to Diner Dash, you tend to be spread out a lot more.
2. I agree that pricing is retarded for countries that aren't America. However, there are workarounds. I recently helped someone get Dawn of War II for a lot less than he would've had to pay if he bought it from his native country.
3. While having extras can be very nice, GOG doesn't hold a quarter of the games that Steam does. With that mass of games, imagine trying to get every developer to give them something to throw in the download like a soundtrack or wallpapers. Dawn of War II released a free soundtrack through Steam regardless of whether you purchased it or not, and Audiosurf included most music from Valve games, both very nice bonuses, but not the norm.
4. I agree with you on this one. GOG has a very mom-and-pop kind of feel in response to the giant chains. However, I don't really hold this against Steam. I just attribute it to how cool and unique GOG is.