DaCostaBR: I think there might be hope. They could lend the IP to a different company, that would take care of developing it and possibly kickstarting it, in exchange for a share of the profits.
I guess there's always hope.
I'm just saying that judging from Interplay's record in the last decade, it's very unlikely that anything will come out of this except for them getting more money off royalties from games made by other people back when they were an actual publisher.
And if they actually wanted to lend their IPs to actual developers who could then make actual games, they could have done that a long time ago. They have had plenty of interesting IPs in their catalog for a very long time, like MDK, and the only one they seemed to have even the slightest interest in using was the Fallout one, before they sold it to Bethesda. And even then that was only to make the horrible Brotherhood of Steel, then an MMO.
So yeah, imo, expecting anything good to come from Interplay these days goes beyond optimism into irrational nostalgia and just plain taking your wishes for reality.