A golden rule is not to take 4chan (especially /b/) by any mean seriously. If you take it serious, you lost the game. It's a board where you can post anything, and what do you do by to much freedom? Well, you saw it already. I am not defending it, I am just clarifying that if you want to approach 4chan, you shouldn't be serious about it at all! Even if their posts are racist, homophobe, full of meme and anarchism, do not fall for this. Just a personal advice.
Like the admin himself said:
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
It's also only for people who have too much freetime. Lot's and lots of freetime. It some surprise some of them are really insane and upload CP, but those fucks get banned rather quickly. Current issue are all those spams from hackers and morons trying to get money and bigger zombie armies.
I think one of the worst boards along /b/, are /x/ , /rk9/, /v/ and /a/ which are also flooded by /b/tards. Not recommended. I only visit /u/,/lit/ /an/ and /co/ for the simple reason, they bring over what they offer. The rest is up to you how much you support each board by being part of a big anonym consensus.
If you already up to more insanity and meaningless memes, you can look at 4chan's wiki, teh Encyclopedia Dramatica:
http://encyclopediadramatica.com/4chan tl;tr
>you lost the game