Hmm, missed this thread the first time around. I can't solve the issue in the OP, and others have given pretty much the same advice I would. So, I'll answer some of the side questions I saw that I DO have answers for.
Antimateria: Edit: and is it possible with steam put those games in another place than program files-folder.. A bit new with those steam things myself. and they haven't been most cooperative.
Indeed you can. It is based entirely on where you initially installed Steam. I have Steam installed to G:\Games\Steam\, and all my Steam games are installed on that drive an within that directory. Saved games will still go to wherever your Users folder exists (in my case, U:\Users\), if that is where the game is programmed to put them.
If what you need is more storage room, then this can be accomplished by following the directions in this thread: If you want to change the install path of a game entirely, not just it's stored location (to get it out of C:\Program Files\, for instance), then you must re-install Steam at the new location; as far as I can find on the Web, all Steam games must exist within the Steam install directory tree. Here is a link to how to move the Steam install easily:
predcon: Which varieties? I've got a Phenom II X4, and I'd like to upgrade to an X6 1100T.
I have a Phenom X6 1090T, and Borderlands runs perfectly fine on my system. I think the only difference between the two chips is that the 1100T is rated 100MHz faster (3.3 GHz vs. 3.2 GHz). I am fairly sure they are the same chip, just the 1100T tests better (i.e. binned higher).