IAmSinistar: I don't need my words interpreted, thanks. People know what I mean.
amok: I'm just feed up today by the fact that your personal preference is somehow the others sides fault. It is your choice as much as anyone else. You shut yourself out just as much as your are being shut out. I am a bit sick of this attitude now.
I'm as entitled to express my opinion in the matter as anyone else. Besides, what's it you? I promise you that people are far more sick of your tirades than my opposition to DRM, especially as we are on a DRM-free site.
I realise from previous interactions that you are either very young or socially retarded in your development, since you have an overly simplistic view of things, are quick to anger, and are intimidated by people who express themselves well. Thus, following the American axiom of "don't teach a pig to sing", I have avoided talking to you. Yet clearly this isn't enough, as you still have to seek me out to vent your childish spleen.
So let me make it clearer - go the fuck away. Stop talking to me. I have no interest in anything you have to say, because it is invariably free of meaningful content. This last little pissy fit of yours just cements the truth of the matter.
Bye-bye, you little, little man-child.