SimonG: Anybody remembering the first RTS games. Those before "right clicking". Today I consider Warcraft and Dune II pretty much unplayable. No "drag box" and hitting "attack" and "move" everytime to issue the order really isn't doable for me anymore.
Agreed, but I guess it was because they still thought they are (turn-based) tactical/strategy games, where you couldn't normally group select units either, but micromanaged each unit individually, one by one. Say, XCom tactical fights for example.
Apparently someone saw only later that maybe in a realtime game you'd really want to be able to easily command groups of units.
BTW, in Warcraft 1 you could actually command a small team of units, but you had to select them to the team one by one, and you couldn't save the teams for later access. In Dune 2, you really had to micromanage each unit individually.