Alone in the Dark 2008. I'd seen the reviews, and waited 'till it was down to about 20 to 30 bucks (I can't really remember). I got it expecting to have something that was a little unpolished with some nice touches with a few glitches. Instead I got crappy controls, a shitty fast forward button (I skipped like 3 chapters. Each chapter had the exact same 'Last time on Alone in the Dark' segment, until the third one, when all of the sudden, it's the same except for a little bit tacked on at the end where, BAM! Satan himself is involved! Spoiler alert, I guess), a horrible inventory system, awful combat (partly due to controls, as above) and stupid platforming and puzzles. I really, really wanted to like it, I eagerly awaited a patch, but one never came. T_T
Also, Dark Salvation. I hear it's an indie game, made with the iD Tech 3 engine, and got good reviews with reviewers comparing it to games like Blood and Painkiller. So I see on their website that they're having a give away contest for the disc edition, so I enter and win. I get it, install and I am greeted with... a fucking awful game. I have had it for about a year and I am still not past the first level. First room, a crystal and a locked door. Break the crystal, there's a switch to open the door... but if you go the way they seem to intend you to go, it's practically impossible to get to the door before it closes, since every door is on a fucking timer. Past that, a room with an enemy hiding in the rafters, who will hit you unless you know where he is ahead of time. Also, a jumping puzzle. Two pillars moving up and down, and a platform going from one pillar to a switch, to open a door by the other pillar. Timed, of course. Beyond that is place that's actually not too bad, there's some annoying enemies, but you can see that the combat is pretty good. Flip some switched, head up, and you find a single door that's not on a timer. Beyond it is another jumping puzzle. Did I mention that all these jumping puzzles have lava? And if you die you get sent back to the beginning of the level? And that when asked why, the developers said it was because "We're trying to make a throwback to older FPS's"? And that no old FPS I have ever played had done that? And that I played a single player mod for Quake 3 that has the same issue? Meaning that they were just being lazy fucks who tried to cover their laziness with lies. Beyond that room is a room with a couple enemies, nothing too bad. Get a new weapon that's pretty much a reskinned lightning gun from Q3A. Then you have to go back to the pillar room, where there is a door that's opened, and beyond that is more level. With more times switches, and jumping puzzles, and a switch you have to hit that's guarded by things that will shove you off into lava. Get through that and there's a room with a new enemy, a crystal, and a fucking deathtrap that will kill you. That's the furthest I've gotten. And those crystals? There's 10 of them. And you have to break them all to exit the level. It's possible to forget the first one, and as far as I know, when that door closes behind you, you can't get back. The game is set in Hell, but I think the game is Hell, and when I die, I will slowly awake, and see the pillar room. And I will scream that eternal, soul searing scream of the damned for all eternity.
Also, they released the game for free now. I have to tell people that. So others can share in my pain. And maybe, just maybe, they can get past level 1, and send me a save file.