Are computer games 'art'?
- There's no unambiguous definition of 'art'.
- There's no unambiguous definition of 'game'.
That said, if a movie can be art, I don't see why a video game can't be art.
An easy answer would be to point to Okami, Ico, etc. A more complete would be to look at it more carefully:
- game music composition is 'art';
- sprite and background drawing / painting is 'art';
- animation is 'art';
- story writing is 'art';
- programming is more a 'craft' that a technical skill.
There is no proven recipe to make a successful game. A lot of games fails, even with experienced developers. There is a lot of bad games, yes, but there is a lot of bad 'art' too. But even with the more industrious studio, you find thoughts-provoking true creative gems. It's not because it can be replicated that it can't be original pieces: building a new game is more akin to producing a movie that to design a new car.
An easy answer would to point to Okami, Ico, etc. The Shadow of the Beast would qualify, too...
Most adventure games are first a story, then a puzzle. I didn't care for the mediocre puzzles of the Longest Journey, or the simple ones of Syberia, but theses are an amazing experience with a good story, and if a good fiction can be art, they can't be denied to be art pieces too.
Most RPG are story driven, along with a wonderful description of an fictional world. Japanese ones are sometimes more story that game, and would be great movie by themselves. The Final Fantasy movie was bad because it lost all epic aspects of Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy games are operas, with a musical theme for each character, numerous surprises, and a truly epic plot:
- With Final Fantasy 4, the hero takes the path from evil to good, there is treachery from is closest friend, and who can't remember Cid, or the Big Whale unveiling.
- "I'm not a thief, I'm a treasure hunter!" Between memorable quotes, the Ceres / Celes storyline (and Tina / Terra's one, to a lesser degree - hey, nearly each character Gau, Shadow, etc. has a good story), can we really says "It's just a game." and claims it's any lesser that the cinema can produce these days as movies?
- Just stop for a while and look around in any Elder Scrolls.
Even shooter and plate-former are arguably art: the gothic Castevania with his powerful characters and haunting soundtracks stands better that the Van Helsing movie, and just look at bullet hell classics like Touhou - the screen are hypnotizing.
Not convinced? Ok, play Galatea by Emily Short,
It's a textual text adventure / interactive fiction for the Z-machine - there are various interpreters, but but can be played online too, here: Text adventures have one of the most potent prose of any media, if only because words are the world they describe. In this case, Emily Short goes beyond what seems possible with this medium, with a character taking life, reacting, evolving with the player interaction.
I don't really know WHAT is it. A game? An automaton? Even it/she questions its/her nature. What I do know it's I'm still shaken of the first time I played it.
'Video games' are a new medium, even a new class of mediums. It can be art, or not, but not less or more that any other mediums.