Kezardin: Yep thanks for that.
I know about the levelling up, but it's a pain in the backside keeping track to make sure you get the best result - +5 for three attributes - at each level (my comment about bookkeeping).
Another problem with the Morrowind system is that it can be counter intuitive. I'm sure many new players have given their character athleticism as a major skill, rubbed their hands together as the levels come thick and fast, then find their character starts getting killed regularly because he/she is great at running and not much else ☺
Hopefully Galsiahs mod will avoid all that.
One thing I did read was a suggestion to take enchanting (which i usually ignore) as a major skill. Worked very nicely in my current game since it can reduce the charge cost when using items (Fargoths' ring gives an extra heal, for example). Means you get more bang-for-your-buck from enchanted weapons.....
I always take Enchanting as a Major Skill, simply because it's so bloody difficult to level. Not helped by the fact that the Enchanting Master (every skill has a Master in the game - someone who will train you to 100) is hostile and the target of one of the early game quests (Mage's Guild, I think). I think you had to get a fairly high level of Sooth Humanoid to be able to talk to him to have him teach you. Nightmare.
I do realise that the whole 'bookkeeping' thing can be an issue, but I'd recommend the same as I did in the other thread - save up 20k and then go and get it over and done with. Make a large save, then keep on quicksaving between the difference purchases. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too but. Admittedly, it is immersion breaking though. Ultimately, do not give a shit. The game will give you plenty of opportunity to max everything out. Also, you will be getting a lot of multipliers in the early game anyway.
Just enjoy!