Toast_burner: Why do some people hate Steam?
All you have to do is enter a user name and password, after that you can put it in off-line mode (I mostly stay online so I can chat with friends and stuff)
Delixe: There are many reasons.
1) Some people don't like DRM in any way, shape or form. Steam is DRM no matter what Gabe likes to say.
2) Many Europeans detest it because Steam fleeces us by converting $1 to €1. This can mean paying up to double the retail price. Australians get hosed even harder.
3) Publishers are allowed to maintain RRP on Steam while retail stores have put games in the bargain bin. Case in point Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines = €19.99
Personally I am ambivalent. It's not perfect and I even had my account suspended which included all my games over a mistake, however it's not the worst solution. That would be UbiDRM.
1) Its one of the best forms of DRM imo, It doesnt put many restrictions on you and I like the features it has (the over-lay, auto updates and steam cloud). It seems pointless complaining about it.
2) That is a problem but it wont effect buying retail games that need Steam like OP is complaining about
3) Thats true. but Steam also have lots of cheap games and tons of sales. No one is forcing you to buy the over priced version (You don't buy every thing in the same shop do you?)